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When Uma swam back to the Isle after failing to break the barrier, XJ took this as her cue to stay away from her crew, like she used to. Part of the reason was because Uma had lost her previous streak of vengeance and she had become even more snappish than before. The other part was because XJ had made it very clear that the only reason she had hung around the pirate crew was because of the deal she and Uma had made. Now that the deal was over, XJ had no reason to stay.

Harry wasn't very happy about that, but he understood that XJ didn't like wasting her time. He didn't try to make her stick around, as she wasn't part of the crew anyway. He also knew that Uma would feel like XJ was judging her and held a grudge because her plan failed, and would therefore retaliate by hissing and snapping at XJ, which XJ would not take very well. Therefore, Harry started visiting XJ in his free time at her place.

Since Uma's failure, XJ hadn't changed much, which surprised everyone on the Isle. Everyone thought that XJ would become like Uma, who was angry and more hot-tempered than before, or she would at least become less bombastic.

However, XJ's attitude was almost exactly the same, but she seemed...happier. She didn't exactly have a spring in her step, but it was easier for her to smile, which used to be unbelievably rare. It was no secret that this was because she was dating the son of Captain Hook.

The two had gone on three dates so far. The first date was at the meadow where XJ had brought Harry; the second was at Uma's ship, and Harry had specifically asked the crew to go away for that time being so they could be alone; the third was at XJ's place, where Uma let Harry have an entire day off. Already the two were head-over-heels for each other and they had only been together for two weeks.

A couple of days after their third date, Harry decided to visit XJ out of the blue, something that she was used to as Harry never planned his visits. He whistled as he walked over to XJ's house and opened the door. XJ had kept her door unlocked ever since she and Harry had become a couple, not wanting Harry to be stuck outside waiting a few hours for her to come back from getting dinner or snatching groceries. Nobody dared steal from her so she wasn't worried.

Harry strolled right in and saw XJ, unmoving, staring at something on her table. Harry raised an eyebrow as he closed the door behind him. "Lass? Is everything alright?"

XJ said nothing and pointed at the piece of paper on her table. Harry walked over and stood next to her. He grabbed the handwritten piece of paper with the Auradonian stamp and read:

"Dear Miss Jun and Mr. Hook, you have both been invited to attend Auradon Prep this school year. Should you choose to accept, a limousine will be waiting for you now at the magical bridge that leads to Auradon. Kindly pack your things and be prepared for your new life at Auradon." Harry's eyes widened with each word. He turned to his girlfriend, "I thought you warned the king not to invite you?"

"There's more at the back," XJ said, her voice slightly quieter than usual as she sat down on a chair beside her.

Harry flipped over the piece of paper. "I know you told me to never to bring you to Auradon, but the fact that you were good enough to warn me, shows that you can change." He read again. "And there's the king's signature at the bottom." He finished. He put down the piece of paper and grabbed XJ's waist.

XJ laughed as he lifted her up and spun her around. "What are you doing?"

Harry's eyes lit up at the sight of XJ's smile. "We can finally get out of this hell hole! You can finally put your plan into action and you'll rule Auradon!"

XJ corrected as Harry put her down, his hands still on her waist, "We'll rule Auradon."

Harry's smile widened and kissed XJ deeply. "Yes we will." He said as he pulled away, leaving XJ with a smile that matched his own.

XJ tapped the piece of paper, "Well, we'd better get packing. When you're done, come meet me back at the door here. Hurry." She ordered.

Harry tipped his hat at XJ, "Aye aye, captain." He kissed XJ again before going out the front door.


A couple minutes later, XJ, Harry, Uma and Gil were all assembled at the entrance to the Isle that was formed by the decrepit structures with their bags. Harry's arm was around XJ's waist as XJ held the piece of paper in her hand. The limousine driver, in a yellow and blue uniform, gave the villain kids a forced smile and took their bags. He placed them in the car's trunk and slammed the top of it shut. He opened the door to the sleek black car, motioning for them to get in.

Uma and Gil settled down, sitting on one seat, and Harry and XJ sat on the seat opposite them. The first thing Harry and Gil noticed were the shelves of candy built into the car doors. The boys shot each other knowing looks and snatched as much candy as they could get and shoved most of them into their mouths.

Uma snickered at the sight of Gil and Harry looking like chipmunks and XJ snorted, rolling her eyes. XJ looked around the inside of the car; it was ridiculously fancy: the seats were plush leather and greatly differed from the hard makeshift chairs XJ had at home; there were no scratches or rips anywhere - everything was perfect and looked so alien.

"I'm assuming the rest of your crew aren't coming." XJ said to Uma, who looked deep in thought.

Uma looked up and nodded, "They aren't. Gil and Harry should be enough - the rest are all knob-heads anyway."

"We can agree on that." XJ said as she turned to Harry and burst out laughing at his full cheeks.

Harry grinned, looking like a squirrel. "Kish meh," He said, his words muffled by the candy in his mouth and puckered his lips, leaning forward.

XJ laughed and put her hands on his chest. "No! That's gross!"

Harry trapped XJ by putting his hand on either side of her and leaned forward. "Cohm on, kish meh."

XJ pushed Harry back and squirmed, laughing as she tried to escape. "No! Let me go!"

"Naught unchil you kish me." Harry said, grinning, his cheeks inflated like a balloon.

XJ laughed and quickly pecked him. He tasted like sugar and she wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket. Harry retreated and swallowed the candy.

"That," XJ declared, "was disgusting."

Harry pouted, throwing an arm around XJ's shoulder, "You're saying kissing me is disgusting?"

"I'm saying kissing you while you have a mouthful of candy is disgusting," XJ corrected, scrunching up her nose.

Harry laughed and was about to say something when Uma interrupted, "Hey lovebirds, we're crossing the bridge."

Harry and XJ turned around just in time to see golden sparks as the barrier broke and a bridge materialized as the limousine drove forward. They weren't surprised as Mal and her friends had experienced it once and it became common news to the people on the Isle that a bridge to Auradon would appear when a car form Auradon left the Isle, and would drive normally instead of plummeting into the water.

XJ grinned as the Auradon castle grew closer and larger by the second. She turned around and smirked, "We're going to have so much fun."

"Hell yeah we are," Uma said, smirking back and giving XJ a high-five as the limousine drew closer to Auradon Prep.

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now