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"You want me to go see XJ?" Audrey asked skeptically. "I thought she was in a coma."

"She is," Harry confirmed, "But I want to see if she reacts to you."

Audrey blinked. "What?"

Harry racked his brain. He hadn't really thought about what he was going to say to convince her in detail, and in hindsight, he probably should have.

"I want to see if she wakes up." Harry said slowly, improvising. "I've tried everything - magic and science alike. I read something the other night about coma patients reacting and even waking up at the presence of other people. Nobody knows how they do it but scientists have been doing research and they say that they're making progress."

"That's the craziest thing I've ever heard." Audrey said snidely, crossing her arms.

Harry shrugged, "I'm desperate, Audrey. Please."

"Okay," Audrey held up a hand to stop Harry. "Assuming that this thing works; you think that she's going to wake up to me?"

Harry took a deep breath, not even having to pretend to be uncomfortable. "I'm going to start with the people who have actually talked to her. I've already tried Ben, Mal and the rest of the usual group. Nothing has worked. I'm starting with you."

Audrey sighed and eyed him carefully. "What's it to you, anyway? I thought you two had already split."

"That doesn't mean - "

"Oh, I get it," Audrey cut him off, rolling her eyes and smirking. "You still like her, even though she doesn't like you."

Harry pinched his forehead in exasperation before saying, "'Like' is an understatement."

"You're right. Everybody knows that you're head over heels for her. She doesn't return your feelings though, does she?" Audrey said smugly, sitting down on her chair and crossing her legs.

"Look," Harry said forcefully, annoyance beginning to show. "You are not my therapist. I just want Xiao back. I am willing to do anything to wake her up, no matter how dumb it seems."

Audrey pointed a finger at Harry, "That, I can see, but didn't Fairy Godmother say that she would wake up after two weeks?"

"Do you see her walking around?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's been three weeks, Audrey. She's not awake and I'm getting worried."

Audrey huffed. "You do have a good point." She stood up and pulled on her pink cardigan. "Fine, I'll come." She looked at Harry and shook her head. "I still don't know how you love her so much."

Harry narrowed his eyes at her, "What do you mean?"

"What's there to love?" Audrey asked casually as they walked to the hospital wing. "XJ's barely even a girl."

"What - what are you saying?" Harry asked, bewildered.

"I'm saying that XJ's not a proper lady." Audrey said a matter-of-factly. "She's never worn a dress, she's never acted properly, she has no manners and worst of all, she's obsessed with power. I don't know why you want her that much."

Harry clenched his fists. "What do you think a proper lady's supposed to be then?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Take me, for example," Audrey said proudly, her nose in the air. "I know how to dress up, I know how to eat without looking like a wolf, I say 'please' and 'thank you', and I'm not obsessed with power."

"No," Harry glared at her before he pushed open the hospital wing door open. "You're obsessed with attention."

"Hey, wait just a seco - "

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now