Romantic Advice

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"You already have a suit?" XJ asked with her eyes wide. "Where did you get one?"

Harry chuckled as he stuffed a heap of mashed potatoes into his mouth, "Bensh tailor,"

"Bench tailor?" Gil asked, frowning in confusion.

Harry gulped down the food in his mouth before elaborating, "Ben's tailor. He made me a suit."

"What the - when did this happen and how do I not know about this?" XJ asked, looking at Harry incredulously.

Harry grinned, "It was a couple of days ago. You were sleeping in very late because it was a Saturday. I came back before you woke up."

XJ frowned, "What did I do the day before?"

"You were staying up so you could remember everything in the school syllabus. You said you needed to 'refresh things' or something."

"Huh, I don't remember that."

Uma laughed, "You'd think that someone with a brain like yours would be the last person on Earth to forget anything, and yet you forget an entire day of activities."

XJ argued, "Those were irrelevant things! I didn't have any purpose for them!"

"They're called memories, lass." Harry said, looking at XJ pointedly.

"Whatever," XJ waved her hand dismissively as she took a bite out of her sandwich. "Irrelevant memories then." Her eyes suddenly flickered to something behind Harry, "And speaking of irrelevant things..."

Harry turned his head a little bit to see Chad Charming walking up to their table. Uma shot XJ a knowing look and said, standing up, "We'll be going now. Good luck."

"We are?" Gil asked in alarm. "I haven't finished my - hey!" Uma dragged the son of Gaston away with a firm arm, leaving XJ and Harry to business.

XJ nodded at Uma as the pirate girl left, "I don't need luck, but thank you anyways."

"Of course you don't," Uma said, smirking a little bit before walking away, with a whining Gil behind her, groaning about how delicious his cheese baguette would have been.

XJ and Harry turned their attention to Chad, who had reached their table now.

XJ asked, raising an eyebrow, "What?"

"I'm starting to think that you're not ever going to help me with Audrey and you thought you could be able to rip three favors off of me," Chad scowled, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.

XJ laughed, "Calm down, Charming. I'm not a liar and I don't break promises. I was originally planning on getting you to meet me at the tourney field, but since you're here already, we can get started."

Chad's eyes lit up immediately and he let his arms fall to his sides, "You mean it?"

"Do I look like I'm bluffing?" XJ smirked. "Come with me so we can practice."

"Practice what? What are we - hey, wait up!" Chad scrambled to his feet as XJ and Harry began to walk out of the cafeteria. "What's going on?" Chad asked, frowning as he caught up with them.

"You said you wanted Audrey back, right?" XJ asked as she continued walking until they reached the school's courtyard. They stopped near the edge of the woods and Harry looked around to see if there was anything around. There wasn't, and XJ turned around fully to face Chad, who nodded at her question.

"I know what she wants in a guy."

Chad's eyes widened and he exclaimed immediately, "What is it? Tell me!" He demanded.

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now