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As XJ and Harry grabbed lunch in the cafeteria after making the deal with Chad, Mal walked up to XJ, looking even more furious than she last confronted her.

"You might be fooling Chad, but you're not fooling us." Mal stated, folding her arms.

XJ raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"

"Will you quit playing dumb?" Mal seethed as XJ piled three slices of pizza onto her plate. "I saw you talking to Chad alone under the bleachers a couple minutes ago; he didn't seem to be flirting and you don't seem to be the type of person to cheat on Harry."

"I'm right here, you know," Harry said in a sing-song voice.

Mal ignored Harry as she demanded, "What were you talking about?"

XJ clicked her tongue, "I can't tell you. It'll compromise the plan I have for Chad."

"You're going to kill him?" Mal whispered in alarm, so as not to alert the other students. She wanted to know what XJ was going to do first before she announced it to the whole school.

XJ sighed and rolled her eyes, "Or I'm helping him," She said, walking right past Mal. "Has that ever occurred to you?"

"People like you don't help others," Mal scowled as she ran to catch up with XJ and Harry, who were both walking to a table at the back of the cafeteria where Uma and Gil were sitting.

"Again with the 'people like me'?" XJ asked, annoyed, "You're from the Isle too. You've just covered it up with a pretty attitude. I thought that your trip to the Isle would give you a wake up call, but evidently not." XJ sniffed as she continued walking.

"That's not the point here - what were you talking to Chad about?" Mal pushed.

"Are you close friends with Audrey?" XJ suddenly asked as she sat down, nodding at Uma, who nodded back.

Mal blinked, taken aback by the abrupt question, "Audrey? Daughter of Sleeping Beauty?"

"No, Audrey, Daughter of Simba and Nala - yes, the daughter of Sleeping Airhead. Are you two close?"

"I wouldn't say that she's one of my best friends, but she's tolerable." Mal answered. She frowned, "Why are you asking me that?"

"Do you approve of Audrey dumping Chad?"

"How did you know that? Did Chad tell you that?"

"Do you approve of Audrey dumping Chad?" XJ repeated, ignoring Mal's questions.

"I...Yes, I approve. Chad's an idiot, and Audrey, well, she was smart enough to see how self-obsessed he is." Mal admitted. "But I don't really care about their relationship."

"So hypothetically, would you go out of your way to stop Audrey and Chad getting back together?"

"What? No...no, I wouldn't! It's none of my business!" Mal spluttered, "Will...will you stop ignoring my questions? What does this have to do with what you were talking to Chad about anyway?"

Uma sent XJ a looked and XJ mouthed, 'I'll tell you later'. XJ turned to Mal and exhaled heavily. "If I were you, I would have figured everything out already. Unfortunately, you're not me and thankfully, I'm not you. What I talked to Chad about is none of your business."

"I can tell everyone you're planning to kill Chad, you know." Mal smirked.

XJ scoffed, "Go ahead and try."

"I will," Mal smirked before walking away.

"You're not worried?" Uma asked, the minuted Mal had turned her attention away.

XJ grinned, "Not at all. Meet me in my dorm and I'll tell you what Charming and I discussed."

"It's nothing good, is it?"

XJ hummed thoughtfully, "Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Uma laughed, "That already sounds amazing. I'm glad you're one of us, XJ."

"This place is going down." XJ held up her glass of soda, "Rotten?"

The other three villain kids raised their own drinks, "To the core." They all drank from their glasses and grinned at each other.


"Fairy Godmother?" Mal called as she knocked on the door of the headmistress's office.

"Come in, Mal," The fairy's voice replied as Mal opened the door hastily. She closed it behind her and Fairy Godmother smiled warmly, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk, "Take a seat."

Mal sat down and she immediately stated, "Fairy Godmother, XJ's planning to do something to Chad Charming."

Fairy Godmother's eyes widened. "Mal, what do you mean?"

"I saw her and Chad talking alone underneath the bleachers by the tourney field. Chad didn't seem to be flirting with her like he usually does with all the girls at school, and XJ's in a relationship with Harry, and if XJ's anything, it's loyal, and..."

"Mal, calm down," Fairy Godmother said warmly, looking concerned as she pulled out a notepad and a pen. "Talk straight so I can keep up and tell me your suspicions."

Mal took a deep breath, "I was walking to lunch when I saw Chad Charming and XJ underneath the bleachers by the tourney field. Chad's known for flirting with anything in a skirt, but he didn't seem to be doing that with XJ. XJ might be from the Isle, but she's fiercely loyal, especially to Harry Hook, whom she's in a relationship with. So, they weren't flirting with each other or in any kind of romantic relationship.

"Back on the Isle, people shivered and backed away when XJ walked past. She was known for being manipulative and for playing on people's minds. I'm worried that something's going to happen to Chad.

"When I asked XJ about it a couple minutes afterwards in the cafeteria, she refused to tell me and she was weirdly guarded about it. XJ's a guarded person in general, but she did ask me a couple of questions about Audrey's break up with Chad half a year ago.

"I'm worried that she's planning on hurting Chad and Audrey. I know that she's bent on world-domination, and manipulating Sleeping Beauty's daughter and Cinderella's son is going to help her take a huge leap forward." Mal finished.

Fairy Godmother was silent for a moment, writing down the information. She read over her notes thoughtfully before looking up at Mal. "These are some very serious accusations Mal."

"I know," Mal said seriously, "But I really do think XJ wants to hurt them. I've known her my entire life and I've seen how she operates."

"Alright, tell you what," Fairy Godmother said, interlacing her fingers. "I believe you Mal, but I do think you're just being paranoid. You saw how attentive XJ was during Remedial Goodness 101, I think she's just very eager to socialize and become good."

Mal opened her mouth to speak, but Fairy Godmother held up a finger, "I will call in Chad, Audrey, XJ and Harry at the end of today's lessons to get their side of the story. If XJ really is planning to harm Chad or Audrey in any way, I will have a meeting with Ben, and we will see if she is to go back to the Isle or not."

Mal sighed, "Okay."

"Don't you worry about XJ. I'll take care of this. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, Mal, I do appreciate it. It really shows that first impressions aren't always true to someone's personality." Fairy Godmother smiled. "Now, go on and continue with your studies."

"Thank you," Mal smiled grimly before standing up and walking out of the office. The minute she closed the door and was alone in the hallway, she smirked. XJ was going to go back to the Isle, she was sure of it.

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now