Auradon Prep

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When they reached their destination, the villain kids got a good look at the school.

Everything was bright and the sun was beaming down - a drastic change from the Isle; the school was a cream colored building surrounded by lush greenery and there were colorful flowers everywhere; the courtyard was huge and there was a statue of the old king of Auradon - Ben's father, the Beast - in gold smack in the middle.

A marching band was playing, welcoming the new villain kids to the school and XJ saw Ben, Mal and a small woman she recognized as the Fairy Godmother clad in pale blue waiting for them as the limousine pulled up to the entrance of the school.

Uma and Gil stepped out first, Harry and XJ following. They grabbed their bags and stepped back in front of Ben, Mal and Fairy Godmother.

Uma scowled at the bright sun and Gil just smiled stupidly. Harry snickered at the sight of the Fairy Godmother, making the woman frown. XJ put a hand on the hilt of her knife and narrowed her eyes at Ben and Mal.

Mal didn't look too happy, but Ben looked cheerful. He stepped forward and spread his arms. "Welcome to - "

"Auradon Prep, yadda-yadda," Uma interrupted. "We can guess the speech." The marching band stopped playing, looking bewildered at the interruption.

Ben's smile didn't falter. "Well, we evidently have a lot of work to do."

"What are you playing at?" XJ asked, raising an eyebrow at Ben.

"Excuse me?"

"I warned you specifically that taking me here was a bad idea. Did you forget?" XJ asked again, crossing her arms.

"I didn't," Ben said, still smiling. "Your words echoed in my head the entire time I was writing the invitation."

XJ shrugged, "Your loss. Watch your back, your Highness. That's the last time I'm going to warn you."

Mal nudged Ben in the ribs and whispered, "I told you."

"You're not being discreet, you know." Harry said loudly, smirking at Mal's glare.

"I'm aware," Mal snapped. Ben took Mal's hand to calm her down and sent her a look. He turned back to the villain kids.

"Lonnie and Evie are going to be your guides," Ben gestured to the two girls behind him that they hadn't noticed before.

XJ recognized both of them. Evie smiled politely at the villain kids and Lonnie did the same, although a bit more nervously.

XJ asked Lonnie, emotionless, "Have you asked your mother yet?"

Everyone else except for Harry and Lonnie looked at XJ, bewildered, and Lonnie gulped. "We'll discuss that later. I'll be your guide for now."

XJ grunted in affirmation before walking right in between Ben and Mal, hitting Mal slightly with her shoulder. 

Fairy Godmother frowned, "Well that wasn't very nice."

Harry cackled and followed XJ, with Uma and Gil behind him. Lonnie and Evie cast each other looks before running in front of XJ, who had already walked into the school.

XJ surveyed the wooden staircases inside and watched as the Auradon students went about their business, some of them stopping to take a glance at the new villain kids. She clicked her tongue and briefly glanced at Lonnie, "Anything you want to say?"

"Yes actually," Evie said, sounding annoyed. "Girls and boys are in separate dorms - I'm showing you boys where to go and Lonnie will be taking the girls."

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