Surprise Arrival

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It was a couple of hours before noon would come and XJ was passing her time by wandering around the Isle, taking whatever she thought looked nice and whatever she believed was tasty and edible. The residents huddled around on the streets gasped and gawked at XJ before scattering like mice. It was no secret that the daughter of Shan Yu had a habit of having her temper fire up at random intervals.

XJ was about to snatch a particularly sharp knife from the ground that looked useable when a certain head of blue hair caught her eye. The figure clad in blue was followed by three more people, one with bleached white hair, one wearing a blue hat and another with long black hair. They were hurrying along, trying not to be noticed.

However, like her father's hawk, XJ wasn't one to miss anything, no matter how trivial, and this was certainly not trivial.

"Daughter of the Evil Queen, Son of Jafar, Son of Cruella De Vil," XJ said loudly, smacking her lips. The group jumped and turned around, startled. XJ raised an eyebrow as she looked at the person in the blue hat. "And the king of Auradon himself."

Ben blinked, "Um, hello?"

XJ snorted and walked closer, making the three villain kids all tense up. "What are you doing in the prison you created?" She turned to Evie, Carlos and Jay. "And what are you three doing back here?"

"I, well..." Ben stuttered. "Sorry, I didn't get your name; who are you?"

"Ben, no," Carlos said quietly.

"I've heard people call me many things, but never just 'no' before." XJ said, the corner of her lip twitching. She looked at Ben, "As for you, I believe you've heard of Shan Yu?"

"Oh," Ben said, his eyes wide. "He's your father."

"My father was an idiot." XJ growled. Then she folded her arms across her chest, "You never answered my question: Why are you in a place where nearly everyone around wants you dead?"

"Well, um, Mal - "

"That's none of your business." Jay snapped, interrupting Ben.

XJ's eyes lit up in realization. Then she cackled. "Oh, I see. Backstabbing, traitor, two-faced, back-turning, irritating little - " XJ stopped herself before taking a deep breath and continuing her sentence. "Mal couldn't take the good life. I didn't expect her to. She's indecisive and she came back to the Isle, huh?" XJ said, raising an eyebrow. "And you've come to take her home. It must hurt knowing that your lovely Mal doesn't love you back."

"XJ, leave us alone, why don't you?" Carlos said, scowling.

XJ snarled, startling the four of them. "Leave you alone? You stabbed us all in the back! You have your lovely lives planned out ahead of you while I'm stuck here in this islandic prison! You were one of us – rotten to the core, and you went and turned your heads! Soldiers stay faithful to their country! You all committed treason!"

"XJ, is that right?" Ben asked cautiously. Carlos, Jay and Evie all sent him warning looks but he ignored them. "I'm sorry if you have some sort of score to settle with Mulan, but - "


"You know, you're cute when you're furious, lass." A voice said from behind XJ.

"Harry," Evie greeted grimly as she looked over XJ's shoulder.

XJ breathed out through her gritted teeth, still glaring daggers at Ben, who looked like he was ready to sink into the ground. "Not now, Hook."

"You're late for our meeting, lass," Harry said as he sauntered up to the group. He caught sight of Ben and his eyes widened. He cackled. "Not that we need it anymore. Uma's going to be delighted."

"Yes, we get it, you're Uma's lapdog now will you SHUT UP?" XJ shouted, whipping her head towards Harry, who was unfazed.

"Uh, not to interrupt, but are you two a thing?" Carlos asked, butting in, looking unsure. Evie jutted Carlos in the ribs with her elbow and glared at him. "Ow! What?"

"No, we're not, De Vil," XJ hissed.

"But we soon will be," Harry said, making a move to wrap his arm around XJ's waist when she caught his arm and twisted it. Harry yelped and swung his hook at her. XJ caught his hook and let go of him.

When Harry had recovered and XJ had straightened up again, Evie, Carlos, Jay and Ben were all gone. XJ growled at Harry, "I hope you're happy."

Harry chuckled. "Come on, lighten up lass. We'll be out of the Isle sooner than a pirate can get drunk surrounded by rum."

"Does Uma know that Mal and her little crew are back?" XJ asked, turning her head and walking back the way she came, heading back to Ursula's chip shop, where she knew Uma would be.

"I was going to tell her when I ran into Mal at Tremaine's salon." Harry said, walking alongside her, taking long strides. Everyone around was even more terrified – Captain Hook's offspring and the daughter of Shan Yu were walking around together, and with Harry's rambunctious personality and XJ's anger management problems, there was bound to be chaos even if they were the slightest bit bothered.

Harry smirked at XJ, "But now we can go tell her together." He teased.

"Hook, what do you hope to achieve by annoying me?" XJ asked, not bothering to turn her head to look Harry in the eye.

Harry hummed thoughtfully. "I don't know, it's just fun."

"What part of getting your neck snapped do you think is fun?" XJ scowled.

"I live for the adrenaline." Harry replied as he whistled a tune.

"You're going to die if you keep doing that."

"You couldn't bear to kill me."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Well, I haven't gotten any permanent injuries yet, so I think I'm good."

XJ sighed, "The sooner we finish this, the quicker I get to never see you again."

"You know what? Just because you said that, I'm going to stick to you forever, Xiao Jun."

"You can try, Harry Hook."

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