Dresses and Suits

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"I can't believe I'm wearing a dress." XJ grumbled.

Evie chuckled at the annoyed look on XJ's face as she measured XJ's hips. "You're not wearing a dress yet. Did Harry coax you into it?"

"What do you think?" XJ huffed. "He didn't coax me into it - he made me feel guilty that I wasn't going to wear one."

"So you are weak to something after all," Evie said, grinning before she turned to Doug, who was sitting as far away from XJ as possible and reported, "Size 8, Doug."

"Unfortunately yes," XJ muttered as Doug scribbled the measurement down.

There was a moment of silence between the three students before Evie cleared her throat uncomfortably, "Listen, XJ, I'm sorry about all the...disagreements we've gotten into in the past."

XJ laughed humorlessly, "Disagreements is an understatement."

"I know, but I just figured that because that we're going to be seeing a lot of each other, we might as well not try to kill each other, or you kill me, in our case." Evie said, choosing her words carefully.

"I wish your best friend Mal would think that way," XJ said in monotone, making it hard for Evie to deduce if she was angry, hurt or sad.

Evie sighed, "Mal is...she's obsessed with the idea of you trying to take over Auradon. You're not doing that, right?"

XJ snorted, "I don't intend on being kicked back to the Isle, thank you very much. In addition, I also have the entire school, along with the kingdom, against me. What makes her think I could, even if I wanted to?"

Evie shrugged, "I don't know, but she's desperate to try to get you back to the Isle. No offense, but she has all the reason to think that way. We tried to steal the wand when we first came here too."

XJ grunted, "I don't blame her. She's smart in that regard, but she's wrong."

"Yeah, everyone knows she is, but she still wants to try and get you in trouble, even if it is for nothing. I just thought that I might warn you."

"How nice of you," XJ said emotionlessly. "Could we get back to the dress? I don't like discussing feelings."

Evie agreed quickly, "Yeah, sure, but I just want to make sure that we're not enemies."

"We're not friends either, but yes, we're not enemies." XJ concluded. "Now, about the godforsaken dress I'm being forced into?"

Evie smiled slightly, "Good," She grabbed a book showcasing samples of fabric. "So for your dress, I've been thinking of black silk," Evie said enthusiastically as she flipped open the book and turned to a page with black silk stapled on. "I think it'll really manage to capture your personality as well as your heritage, and - "

"Could you skip to actually describing the dess?" XJ asked, cutting Evie off impatiently.

Evie sighed, "Okay, hold on one second." Evie walked over to the desk Doug was sitting at and grabbed a pencil. She took a piece of paper and started sketching something onto it.

XJ finally decided to bring up the terrified look Doug had been giving her since she had walked into Doug's dorm, which Evie used as her workshop. "I'm not a ghost, you know."

Doug jumped and laughed nervously, "No, you're not."

"Stop giving me that look then." XJ said, scowling.

Doug forced out an anxious smile, "Uh, what do you mean?"

"You're looking at me like I killed a puppy. I don't think you looked at Evie like then when she first got here." 

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