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Harry and XJ made their way back to Uma's ship to wait for Mal to show up and hand over the Fairy Godmother's wand in exchange for Ben.

The minute Harry jumped onto the ship, he climbed up to where Ben was tied to a wooden pole and smirked at the king, who could talk freely now.

"How's being a king now, huh?" Harry taunted as he got right in Ben's face.

Uma sighed as she walked over to XJ, who was sitting on a small platform, "Could you keep your boyfriend on a leash?"

"He's your first mate," XJ pointed out, sending Uma a look. "I only became his girlfriend this morning."

"Look," Uma said quietly, watching Harry taunt Ben, who looked thoroughly unamused. "I know that dating isn't really a thing on the Isle, but I know what could potentially happen. I know that I'm in no place to order you around - you're still the most terrifying villain kid here, regardless of whether or not you're in love."

"Get to the point, Uma." XJ ordered, her eyes locked on Harry. "I don't like people who beat around the bush."

"Alright, but you can't get mad at me for saying it: Don't break Harry's heart."

After a long stretch of silence, XJ asked, emotionless, "What makes you think I will?"

"It's nothing personal - it's just easy to. You saw how things were with Ben and Mal. One wrong word and they fell apart. If something happens to you and Harry, my first mate will have problems working for me, and you'll become an even bigger threat to everything that breathes, and you're a pretty big threat already, XJ." Uma stated.

XJ stayed silent and Uma turned her attention back to Harry, who was clearly losing patience. "Harry, quit it!" Uma barked.

Harry turned, clearly annoyed. He jumped onto a net nearby and growled, glaring at Ben and pointing at him with his hook, "You said I could hook him."

"I said you could hook him at noon." Uma corrected.

Harry jumped off the net and got closer to Ben, trying to intimidate him. His pocketwatch dangled from his arm and swung in the air. "Only twenty more minutes." He said, grinning evilly.

Ben glanced at the watch, "That says 11:30."

XJ snickered and Harry whined, turning to XJ, "I was born on the Isle; we don't have school here!"

XJ laughed and made a shooing motion with her hands. "Go and save your energy for when Mal and her friends show up, Harry."

"You know the drill, lass." Harry said before closing his eyes and puckering his lips again.

XJ rolled her eyes and pecked Harry on the cheek. His eyes snapped open and he pouted. XJ laughed at how ridiculous he looked.

"Come on, give me a proper kiss," Harry pleaded.

XJ shook her head, "I'm beginning to regret this relationship." She kissed Harry on the lips before turning him around and shoving him lightly. "Now go and talk to Gil. You know how clueless he is."

Harry flashed XJ a smile before turning to Ben. "Nineteen more minutes now." He threatened, his voice low before strolling away.

XJ sighed but smiled at the back of the cocky pirate clad in red. She turned to Uma, "I want to talk with him alone first, if you don't mind."

Uma shrugged, "You call the shots." She turned and climbed down the steps of the lifted platform.

XJ turned her attention to Ben, who was looking at her curiously. She arched an eyebrow, "If you're going to say something, spit it out."

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now