Her first day home -Merle

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My new human was even more upset than I had expected. She seemed to cry the entire way. My heart ached for the poor girl locked in such a small cage, but knew I had to leave her in there. I drove a bit slower than usual, much to the chagrin of the other drivers. I refrained from speaking to her, wild humans in such a state don't usually find comfort with gentle words.

After the hour and a half ride, we finally arrived at our temporary home. On the way there, I had decided to name her Holli. My family was in the tradition of naming our pets traditional earth names, but spelled the way it would be if it were one of our names. I had always been fond of plant names, and Holli was my favorite out of any of them.

Holli was still upset when I took her cage out of my car and brought her in the house. In fact, she'd become even more upset when I moved her. Our home was equipped to house an untamed human; it had barred doors in dangerous areas, such as the kitchen. I had set up her bedroom right by the living room. I left the back sliding door unlocked, but the fence was not climbable and I had a silent alarm on the door should she attempt to sneak out. The planet I was staying on had no creatures particularly dangerous to humans, though many planets have quite a few.

I placed her by the wall next to her bedroom and opened her cage. I patiently waited for her to come out before I'd head to bed. I couldn't help but smile when she peered over the side of her cage at me and climbed out, eyes wide and watching me closely. She was terrified. I made sure she knew where her bed was, otherwise she may not think she had one and I'd come down to see her sleeping on the carpet. Unsurprisingly, she didn't want to move with me around, she stayed in the corner and refused to move until I was gone. Satisfied, I headed upstairs to go to bed.

The next morning, we'd start the taming process, along with the unpleasant things that had slowly become a clear necessity. 

Rewritten 6/22/19

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