Day 3, haircut -Merle

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I hated these first few days. I had to keep betraying Holli, everything I did made me feel bad. I had resolved to get everything done in the first few days, and this was another necessary thing. Holli's hair had grown far too long, and I couldn't get the tangles out without hurting her.

I had scheduled a groomer to come cut her hair that morning. I had given them the warning that she wasn't tame, they brought a handler to carry her to the truck. The groomer was due to arrive in twenty minutes, I was about to risk waking Holli when she got up on her own.

I was a bit in a hurry. I grabbed some plain clothes for her to wear. She stumbled back when I walked past, calming once she saw I wasn't going to change her myself. I started on her breakfast (I made something she could eat quickly) and had it ready in a few minutes. She ate her breakfast at her normal speed and I ate mine quickly. She seemed confused at how quickly I ate, but I gave it no mind.

I dumped the dishes in the sink, they should be here by now. After popping my head out of the front door, I saw the van and waved the handler inside. He was very strong, but highly trained in wrangling uncooperative humans. Holli instantly knew something was up, ducking under the table. I cringed as he dragged her out by her ankle. I knew he wouldn't hurt her like that, but it still upset me.

He was definitely an experts. Holli was clearly fighting her hardest, but he paid her no mind. She made me feel terrible, and cried for me to help her. I hoped she'd calm down, I hated seeing her so upset. It was odd to realize I'd only been with her for a couple days, I felt bonded to her.

"Did she give you much trouble, Hanc?" Chuckled the hairdresser.

"She tried, tiny little thing." He seemed peppy, slowly setting my human into the seat and strapping her down. I explained to the dog-woman how I wanted her hair cut. She worked expertly. I had been careful not to have it cut so short as to upset her. Holli calmed down relatively quickly, as she was unable to struggle much. She still seemed distressed, watching me most of the time. I avoided the eye contact, not wanting to upset her further.

Hanc undid her straps and lifted her out of the chair, she struggled once again. He didn't even seemed bothered by her screaming and hitting, I embarrassingly waved at my neighbors, who popped their heads out to see why I had a screaming human in my yard. Human screams go long distances, piercing the air with a horrendously high pitched sound.

I directed him to set her down on the floor of the living room. As I expected, she bolted to her room, upset with me. I paid Hanc, he waved goodbye and left. I didn't wait this time, simply grabbing a mirror to show Holli her new hair.

She seemed to like it. I don't think she had access to a mirror at the petstore, and I know she didn't have easy access to one here. I decided to set one up somewhere in the bathroom, so she could at least look at herself like she would on Earth.

Published 11/09/18

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