Day 11, breakfast, Merle's POV.

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Holli had been progressing fantastically the past few days. We'd got along great, she even seemed to be enjoying my affection. I'd kept in contact with my brother, Grene, and he was chosen to come down and be the first dog-man to meet Holli. We can be biased with our own humans, so a family member is always sent out to visit first, give tips, and tell us what we need to work on. Holli had been progressing tremendously fast because of her personality type, so it was especially important that her progress be confirmed.

Today was the day that Grene would be coming to stay for a few days, he would be landing shortly after breakfast. He'd be here much earlier than Holli normally wakes herself up, so I had to wake her up myself. The best way to do this is to "accidentally" make noise just out her room. She knew the routine now, not hesitating at all to get herself dressed.

While we ate breakfast, I debated bringing her with me. It didn't seem like a fantastic idea, it was very early for her. She hadn't had a car ride before, so I would probably be a stressful experience, especially considering how tired she was. I'd have to put her in the play room for a couple hours while I picked up my brother. With any luck, she'd get a bit more sleep.

Both of us finished with our breakfast, it was time for the first unpleasant experience she'd have since the psychologist came to see her. She was fine using the bathroom, having completely adjusted to that routine. I had even managed to bathe her a few more times, although she was usually uncomfortable, the bath oil was simply calming in lower doses.

I had to trick her into the play room so I could leave. This house didn't look it, but it was inordinately dangerous for someone who didn't understand the technology. It was safest to keep her in this room while I was gone. She seemed hesitant following me in and upset as I left, calling out to me.

I could hear her try to fiddle with the knob after I closed the door, and run to the window when I walked down the stairs. A quick peek over my shoulder showed she was watching me get into the car. I hopped in and drive the forty five minutes to the airport to pick up my brother.

Published 12/10/18
Those of you who follow me know I've been depressed. I lost my job because of my multitude of mental illnesses, I need to apply for disability.  I know meeting merle has blown up, and I'm sorry I havent been uploading as much as I used to. It you like this story and want more, I have three more stories about Merle and Holli. Check them out if you want to. You don't need to finish all the previous stories to understand them, the only spoilers are new characters that haven't been introduced yet. They don't need to be read in order. If you want updates when I'm uploading next, follow me. I also ask my followers questions, let them choose themes, and the like. Two of my other stories were picked by my followers.

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