Day 11, Playing with Green -Holli

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Green really wasn't bad at all. He was a lot like Merle, I kept wondering if they were related. It certainly seemed possible, but I had no way of knowing for sure. His color was darker than Merle, and Green stood a good size inches taller than my dog-man. However, he had the same kindness in his eyes that I thought was unique to Merle. The only Dog-men I had really seen up close were the ones at the pet store, and they didn't seem very nice.

Dog-men had those big, brown eyes, long soft(ish) fur, and fluffy ears that made them so familiar. It really was like a wolf or a dog just started walking around, so it was easy to justify trusting them. Perhaps I began trusting Merle far faster than someone might expect. Maybe I'm just weird, or maybe Dog-men just had something about them that made humans trust them quickly. Whatever it was, it had taken its effect on me.

Shortly after lunch, I panicked when Merle got up and walked towards the door. I didn't like this in the slightest. Where was my dog-man going? I ran after him, happy that he stopped once I reached him. He reached down and stroked my cheek (I still needed to get used to that, but I didn't flinch or anything), muttering something in his language. I didn't want to see him go, but Green had gotten between me and the door before I could bolt out after them.

Green went as far as to help me look out the window by moving a chair so I could watch him go. I had expected him to climb in the car and speed away, but he seemed to be walking somewhere. I was perplexed to see my dog-man turn the corner, walking until I couldn't see him from inside the house. This was all very disappointing, I didn't like it when Merle left. I noted that I really was overly attached to this alien, whom I've only known a couple weeks.

Green started tried to coax me up the stairs, which made me anxious. I decided to follow, hoping he wouldn't lock me in the room like I had been that morning. My suspicious grew when he turned right instead of left, into the toy room. I didn't follow him in at first, paranoid he would pull a fast one. However, he moved a bin and sat down next to it. He picked up one of the electronic toys, holding it upside down.

Did he really not know how to hold the dang thing? I decided to show him. I held it upright, pushing a few buttons to show him what it did. He seemed amused, taking it from me and pressing a few buttons before putting it in the bin. He lifted another toy, pushing several buttons, seeming frustrated that nothing happened. His ear cocked to the side and he tilted his head in confusion. I sighed loudly, snatching the thing from him and flipping it on.

We continued this with a few toys before I got the picture - Green didn't know how to use any of the toys. Maybe he was just teasing me, but he seemed intent on picking each of them up and using them the wrongest way possible. I eventually opted to pick each one up and showing him how to use them, one by one. I snapped each of the breakable toys for him, putting them back together again before handing them off.

After some time of this, all the toys were in bins and the room was clean. I was looking around for something else to do when Green called me closer. I hesitated for a few moments before approaching. He startled me by rubbing one of his fingers over my lips, Merle had never done that before. I raised an eyebrow at him while he got up and beckoned me to follow.

I felt my lips while the dog-man pulled out and began to speak on what just be a phone. We went down the stairs together, and I was shocked to see he went right into the kitchen with the gate wide open. I stopped at the gate, I knew I wasn't allowed in there. I didn't step forward until Green motioned for me to step inside.

I had never gotten a good look at most of the kitchen. The stove was easy to see from outside the gate, as I had learned from watching Merle cook, but the fridge, dishwasher, etc. Were all out of sight. I was so busy taking a look around that I didn't much care when Green closed the gate behind me. He was locked inside, too, and there didn't seem like there was anything bad he could do to me in there anyways.

All he did really was pour me a cup of that sweet drink Merle would give me. Green poured the stuff into my usual cup, but pulled out an odd tool and shoved it into the hole I drank from. The thing ratcheted a few times before he removed it and handed it to me. I started to drink, surprised to find the stuff closed out quite readily.

It didn't occur to me why the gate was closed until I drank some of the stuff and was ready to leave the kitchen. When I gently shook the thin g in an effort to communicate that I wanted it to be opened, the dog-man shook his head and pointed to the cup, as if he wanted me to drink more. It became clear that I wouldn't be able to leave the kitchen until I drank the whole thing. I was annoyed, but did what I was told.

I had finished the last sip moments before Merle came back home. I was scared at first, forgetting that Merle had left and thinking another stranger had barged in. Green was finally satisfied with what I had drank, opening the gate for me. I was happy to see my dog-man, approaching him and smiling.

Published 1/4/19
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