Day one, breakfast -Holli

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Footsteps overhead woke me up the next morning. I reluctantly sat up in my new bed, not entirely sure if I was meant to leave my room. Just a few moments later, I heard the alien go down the stairs. I panicked, scared that he was coming for me. I ducked under the covers when he eventually peeked  into my room. He didn't seem interested in coming inside and walked away and left the door open, causing me some amount of relief.

My curiosity peaked. I shuffled out of bed and followed him out of my room, careful to keep my distance. He had gone into the kitchen and shut the gate. I watched him through the bars while he cooked, taking some comfort in the thick metal bars that separated us. He grabbed a pan from an impossibly high cupboard and broke a few eggs that had been sitting nearby on a counter. His stove had already become very hot, the eggs sizzled immediately after hitting the pan.

As the smell of fresh cooked eggs wafted their way towards me, I realized how hungry I was. I'd been eating just fruit every day, and not one bit of it even tasted like it was from earth. They always looked odd and tasted bland. Their texture was unpleasant, which made them hard to eat. Our food was always cold, and cooked eggs sounded perfect.

He turned to look at me, still stirring the eggs. I took several steps back, easily startled. After a few moments, he turned back to the eggs, and I stepped forward towards the bars again. The smell of the eggs had begun to waft throughout the house, making me even hungrier than I was before.

He dumped the eggs into a bowl grabbed a human sized fork, sticking it into the eggs. He walked towards the gate at the entrance to the kitchen where I stood, prompting me to quickly stumble backwards and fall to the side. He showed no interest towards me and walked right on past, to the living room.

After setting the bowl on a coffee table (scaled up to suit a large dog-man) he turned to look at me. He reached over, grabbed a cushion from under the table, set it on the floor in front of the eggs, and walked back into the kitchen, shutting the gate behind him. He set the pan into the sink, and started cooking something else.

After I watched him, perplexed, I slowly got up and walked over to the cushion. After testing it with my palm, I sat down on it. The eggs were steamy, yellow, and delicious looking. The fork was strange, with short prongs and no curves, like a small, straight, pitchfork or a trident. I shrugged it off, and dug in, far slower than I wanted to.

I was very annoyed. I wanted to shove the food into my mouth, but the short prongs only allowed for a few pieces of egg, and since there was no curve or flat bit, it was useless as a scoop. I resigned to eating properly sized pieces. It was, however, still delicious. I was finished after what felt like 30 minutes.

The alien walked into the room with a glass. He set it in front of me and took my plate, After the proper amount of backing up on my end. The cup was plastic, I was confused when I saw the liquid was green. A quick sniff revealed it had a sort of fruity smell slightly similar to fruit punch, but still unlike anything I would ever come across on earth. The cup had a strange rim around it. A quick sip revealed the juice to be delicious as well, not completely unlike a punch, but not close enough to be similar. I tried to drink the stuff faster, but the rim prevented large amounts of juice pouring out, without dumping the whole thing on my face at least. I had to sigh and drink this slowly as well.

I had hardly finished the juice when he took that as well. He took it back into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later. He seemed to make a beeline right for me, so I got up and backed away to the wall by the front door. I was wrong, he sat on the couch that was behind me. He grabbed the cushion and put it on the opposite side of the couch, far enough that he couldn't reach me if I sat there. He pulled a large book off an end table and began to read from it.

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