Day 2, Dinner and a Bath -Holli

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This section contains nudity. No descriptions or sexual activity occurs. If you came for sex, I'm sad to say you came to the wrong place.

As I slowly came to wakefulness, I finally realized I had fallen asleep. Next to Merle. I quickly sat upright to find him calmly reading a book, waiting for me to awake. His ears had pricked towards me as I sat up, and was placing a book mark in his book. He stuck his book in a panel on the floor and rose to his feet. He said something else to me in his language and walked towards the ladder. I followed behind him, through the maze and down the stairs, onto the yard, over the porch, and through the doors. I was hungry yet again, ready for something to eat.

I was happy to see him go right into the kitchen and start cooking. I went to the couch and seated myself in the cushion. I was still sleepy, so I wasn't too bothered by the lack of entertainment.

Just minutes later, Merle came out with two plates. The meal was fairly simple, though I still wasn't sure what it was. Now mostly adjusted to the fork and cup, I wasn't too bothered by the speed at which I could eat or drink. Several times throughout the meal, however, I saw that Merle was intently watching me. I was swayed each time he did this, stopping mid-bite to watch him. when I did this, he'd start eating again. It was very strange, and I tried not to let it bother me.

Once we'd both finished, he beckoned to me to follow him up stairs again. I didn't really need to use the bathroom, but figured I'd humor him and followed him up.

Now at the top of the stairs, he stayed behind while I used the facilities. I tried again to figure out how to reach the sink and open the door, no dice. Like before, he opened the door and grabbed a wipe, but I was extremely startled to see him quickly shut the door behind him after wiping my hands. His ears were back now, which for normal dogs meant something bad had happened, is happening, or is going to happen.

I began to panic while he swiftly pulled things out from under the sink. I desperately tried everything to open the door as he started to fill the large tub. I was not, am not, and will never be a person comfortable with nudity. I felt awkward home alone in my bedroom without clothes. So, I was horrified at the thought of this creature seeing me without them.

My gaze darted back and forth while I looked for some way out of this mess. All too quickly, I realized all I could do was fight him, hope he gave up and never tries it again. He was reading the label of some bottle, ears still tucked back, while I came to this conclusion. I sat on the floor and watched him, trying to maintain some appearance of calm. I watched as he dumped a portion of the bottle into the water, a sweet smell wafted up with the steam.

At this point, Merle spoke to me again, with the same gentleness you'd have in your voice when talking to a crying infant. I allowed him to come close to me before kicking him as hard as I could. To my disappointment, he didn't even flinch. His hand gripped my calf and slowly pulled me closer to him.

I'm not ashamed to say I screamed. I kicked, screamed, hit, and even tried to bite him. He very quickly removed all my clothes, easily restraining everything I had to throw at him. He then released me, letting me shuffle into a corner and hide myself best I could. I watched, furious, as he tore my old clothing to pieces, to the point where they were unwearable. They were rags now.

I was glaring at him once again, and no amount of puppy dog eyes of silliness would stop me. He made no attempt to. He reached for me once again, firmly grasping each of my arms to turn me around. I fought once again, being forced to stop when he grabbed my ankles and wrist. He waited until I relaxed again, then wrapped his arms under me, still holding onto my joints. Tears welled up into my eyes. I was tremendously uncomfortable with this.

He still spoke to me softly as he carried me to the tub. Despite my distress, I found the warmth and sweet smell of the bath wonderful. He held me still for a minute or two before releasing me. I felt far calmer now, like I just couldn't be scared anymore.

I tried to sit upright in an attempt to climb out of the tub, but Merle very easily lowered me down again. After that, I felt extremely calm. I could've drifted off to sleep, too out of it to realize something was wrong.
I could feel him washing me, but didn't much care. Honestly, it felt nice. I had gotten filthy after all that time in the cage, I'd been wearing the same clothes for a week. I let him wash my body, shampoo and condition my hair, drain the tub, and wrap me in a towel.

I started coming too while he carried me down the stairs in the large towel. I had hardly started to struggle when he placed me on my bed. I huddled under my towel, bewildered that I had given in so easy, while he pulled out some clothes and placed them on my bed. He slowly took away my towel and started dressing me. I fought far less now, both because of whatever was calming me and the fact that I was getting clothes. I had feared they'd be gone forever.

Once I was dressed, Merle stood up, walked out of my room, closed the door, and left me to sleep. I was exhausted, even after my nap. The only thing I could imagine did that to me was some kind of sedative in the water.

I thought long and hard before I decided to forgive him. It was degrading and embarrassing, but I was clean, my hair wasn't filthy, and he'd given me a nice pair of pajamas. I knew he'd do this to me again, I just hoped he'd wait a long time before trying, maybe even let me bathe myself.

I drifted off to sleep when I decided to forgive and forget.

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