Outside - Holli

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I was hoping to relax after yesterday. Nope! Apparently Merle wouldn't allow it. I had finished my drink, content and full, when Merle started calling me over. I was (understandably) hesitant. There had been quite a few tricks since Green came here, I was having none of his shenanigans. I stayed put.

Of course, it was too much to hope that would be the end of it. Green circled around the corner, Merle coming in from the other side. Merle started making his hushing noises as soon as he got close. This had me concerned. Climbing the couch would take too long, and either dog-man could snatch me from up there anyways. So, I sat still and let him do what he wanted.

It seemed like a bracelet at first. Fabric and soft. There was an odd buckle, shiny and metal. I started to suspect it wasn't fancy jewelry when I saw a metal loop sewn into the thing. Merle and Green spoke for a bit while I inspected it. It wasn't uncomfortable. Certainly not unnoticeable, I could definitely feel it on my wrist, but I didn't hate the thing.

After a few minutes, in little more than a flash of gray, Merle clipped something to the metal ring. I instinctively jumped back right into Green, who was still kneeling next to me. He was calm despite my temporary panic, making comforting noises similar to my dog-man's. Who, by the way, looked as scared as I was.

Green spoke to him again while I slowly calmed myself and checked my wrist. I hadn't moved from his lap, too preoccupied to notice where I was. There was another clip similar to the one on the bracelet, attached to a long, leather rope.

This definitely wasn't jewelry.

I tried to undo each of the clasps, but I couldn't figure them out. It took me a moment to realize Merle was talking to me. Of course, I still didn't understand a word of what he was saying. After a minute or two, Green chuckled and stood up, making me slide off his lap. Merle had a hold on the leash and started calling my name.

I was still unsure, but got up anyways. Merle seemed very amused, smiling and taking another step, keeping the rope taut. By this point, I got the message. I took a few more steps, mildly annoyed that he had found another way to control me and my life. I liked Merle, but really? A leash? He led me around the house, I grumbled after him. After a while, we were back in the living room.

I went from annoyed to a combination of anxious and curious in a few seconds. Green went digging in a chest and pulled out shoes. They seemed to be my size. He showed them to me before helping me put them on. I hadn't put on shoes in months. I decided they weren't my favorite.

I had seconds to adjust to the shoes before Green walked over to the front door. He turned the knob and pushed it open. I was startled for a moment, I hadn't seen the front yard, the only exception being when I watched him drive away to get Green.

It was surprisingly like most human neighborhoods. Houses, trimmed lawns, that sort of thing. I peered past Green and Merle our the door, marveling at the normalcy of the whole thing. Moments later, Merle started walking out the door, my wrist still attached. I planted my feet, letting him tug at my wrist.

"Holly..." he beckoned again. Green and Merle started trying to coax me out, saying various words that all sounded familiar. I still didn't want to go out, but took a step to relieve the discomfort on my arm. Both the dog-men seemed extremely pleased, especially considering I hadn't actually stepped outside.

I wasn't sure if I had ever seen Merle that happy. It was like he'd won the lottery. So, when he started trying to call me again, I started to slowly walk out the door. Merle was singing what must have been praises. I stood on the front steps of the house, taking in the panorama of new sights that surrounded me.

After a bit, I felt another tug at my wrist. I sighed and followed him like inside the house, albeit much slower. He seemed fine with the new pace, walking backwards in front of me. Green had to stop him bumping into the mailbox.

I was on what looked just like a sidewalk when I saw something big and loud flash by me. It was fast. Really fast. And awfully loud. I thought it would hit me! I jumped, falling in the grass next to me. Merle was next to me immediately, looking me over in that way of his that didn't freak me out as much. I couldn't do much but sit there, wide eyed, trying to figure out what it was that I saw.

After Merle was finished, he stood up again. I was still a bit shocked, frozen and staring. Green eventually offered my his furry hand, helping me to my feet. He bent down and wiped the dust off my pants, which I hadn't really noticed until he did it.

Merle started walking again, keeping an even closer eye on me. Green started to lead us, walking just in front and talking to my dog-man. After several minutes, we stopped and Merle turned towards Green. I heard a third dog-man talking, then all too soon, a new face popped out at me from in front of the familiar ones.

I jumped, hiding behind Merle in hopes that he would protect me. He started talking, but didn't move himself or me. I was grateful for that, I didn't want to be grabbed or anything. Eventually the stranger went away and we moved on.

We must've walked for ages. I scanned our surroundings constantly for another of that big, fast thing. Eventually, I saw some big trees in the distance. It seemed like we were going that direction, and I was right. Another ten minutes or so of walking and those trees blocked out the sun.

It was a shady, charming forest. There wasn't a path, but it seemed like it was maintained somehow. Around the whole thing, however, was a huge fence. It had a sloped top, sloping inwards towards the park. My immediate thought was that it'd be impossible to scale from inside.

Merle opened up a door in the fence, and the two of them coaxed me inside. I was very unsure, but even more so when Merle took off the bracelet, as if it was nothing. I was incredibly unsure when he took something out of his pocket and showed it to me. It looked like a choker, with another of those clasps. In the center were leather pieces with something inscribed on them. Of course, I wasn't surprised when he clipped it around my neck.

Now before you go "omigod he's choking her!" It wasn't tight. It fit my neck perfectly, like it was designed just for me. I could breathe fine, and I didn't see it getting caught on anything. While I'd much have preferred something on my wrist or ankle, I was okay with this, albeit a tad embarrassed.

Published 4/26/19

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