Day 2, playtime -Merle

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After we reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard Holli's cup slurp as she drank from it. I was happy that she was drinking her electrolyte drink, I was concerned she'd get dehydrated. I led her outside to the back yard. I had a large play set installed, much like the one at home, but with a different layout so that she could explore the new one without my assistance.

She seemed very hesitant to step onto the grass. My siblings had told me a lot about what to expect with a new human, but none had mentioned this. I took several steps onto the yard to prove that it was safe, but she still wouldn't budge. So, when she turned around to head back, I took a risk.

If any dog-men planning on taming a human in the future are reading this, don't do what I did. It didn't work out horribly, but it could have. I could've been met with screaming and tears, hiding and fear. Holli must be very exceptional, as she reacted to me lifting her from behind with a simple squeal.

I was careful, of course. The only thing worse than betraying a human's shaky trust is hurting them in the process. She was off her feet for just a moment while I moved her over the blue grass. It was up past her ankles, she let out another squeal and fell backwards. She laid in the grass, frozen, like she expected it to consume her whole.

It was impossible not to laugh at. My laughter seemed to shake her right out of it, she shot up and tried to glare at me. I knew it was supposed to convey anger, but she was too small and too cute to intimidate me. I chuckled a bit more and ran off to the playset.

Play is hard for wild humans. They spend all of their lives being told to grow up. After capture, they need to forget all of that and become a child again. The older they are, the harder it is. My father told me once of a human he met who refused to revert for years. He stayed gruff and boring for ages, and wasn't happy. Holli was very young, just above the legal age of separation, and therefore capture. With any luck, she'd still have been digging her heels against maturity and would easily and happily become a kid again.

I popped my head out through the window, waving at her. This exercise was intended to engage her in childish play, which relieved stress, encouraged bonding, and started her on the road to reverting. If our bonding was at the point where I thought it was, she'd give chase.

Don't let her behavior fool you, she was far from tame. she was tolerating me and all the things she was fine with. She wasn't happy, she wasn't comfortable. I knew the moment I did something she didn't like, she'd dig in her heels and fight me like I was the devil. Taming meant she was comfortable and happy in her life, and trusted me enough to allow me to do things she despised. She was far from tame. She was, however, giving me a chance, one I'd take and use to tame her.

Sure enough, her curiosity overtook her and she went around to the stairs. I ran back from the window as soon as I heard her steps in the grass and slid into the ball pit. I laid on my back so the balls would hide me. I heard her enter the second floor of the set and start exploring, looking for me.

After a few moments, I realized my hiding place was too good. She seemed to want to head towards the maze. I let my tail wag a bit to reveal my location. The loud clattering of the plastic balls drew her attention and she came closer. I rose to my feet, the balls falling back into the pit while I stood. I tossed a ball to her gently, taking the distraction as an opportunity to sneak past her into the maze.

I had purchased the set, so I was well aware of all the hidden places in there. I knew that there was a slightly hidden passage just before the exit of the maze that led to the top floor, a lounge. I walked straight to it and climbed up the hidden ladder, sitting at the top and waiting for her to pass by.

Sure enough, I heard her walk right past, not really even pausing to look down the passageway. I peeked through the window, seeing her cross the bridge and onto the top of the second small building. She went down to the bottom floor, which I took as an opportunity to head down and wait for her at the end of the maze.

Sure enough, she was confused and intrigued by how I managed to sneak past. She was tired now, her breathing slightly labored and her eyes a bit droopy. I led her to the secret passageway and showed her up the ladder. She was definitely tired.

The lounge was designed to look like a tree house. I had mostly human-sized furniture put in, with the exception of a chair for me to sit on. Of course, I had hidden a few books for me as well.

She was even more exhausted than I had expected. She took barely a second to look around before she found the plush couch and laid down, and just a few minutes (after the expected suspicious glance at me) to fall asleep.

That was fun, and great bonding, too. It was always good to wear a human out and give them a nap, and waking up to find I hadn't touched her would make her trust me more. I set a silent timer (silent for her, not me) and pulled out a book to read while she napped. I'd wait 2 hours, or until she woke herself up.

Okay guys! Another part for you, this was published 10/23/18

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