Day 3, exploration -Holli

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After using the bathroom, Merle took me back downstairs. He led me to the back door, letting me walk out. I turned back, looking at the dog-man. He was watching me, but didn't step off the porch. A wave settled it, he wanted me to go on ahead. Remembering the bottom level from the day before, I decided to explore that.

I found my way to the first floor of the play set. It had a door, which I slowly opened to reveal a pitch black room. I went inside, the door closing itself the moment I let go. I ran my hands along the wall next to the door, finding no light switch. I decided to take a step forward, nothing.

I kept walking, my hands outstretched to try and feel for the wall. I estimated I was less than a fifth of the way to the opposite wall when I put my hands down. I shouldn't have done that, immediately smacking into a wall. The walls were padded, so I wasn't hurt, unless you count my pride.

Clamoring to my feet, I felt around more. I found I had come to corner. I hugged wall, quickly finding another turn. I soon realized I was in a maze, a pitch black maze. It was strange, and I was very curious as to what awaited on the other side. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face, so it should come as no surprise that it wasn't easy to navigate.

I wandered for ages, unable to find the end. I kept my hands out in front of me, not wanting to crash again.i t must've been an hour before I heard a voice calling to me. I immediately recognized the voice as Merle's and called back out. I panicked for a moment when I heard the door shut.

It quickly opened again, and I heard Merle call me again. I started heading towards the sound of his voice, running into walls as I tried to hurry. Soon, I saw the light of a flashlight. I headed into the beam, facing its source. I could barely make out the form of the dog-man, who said something to me and turned away. I followed him, letting him lead me right out of the dark maze.

I shielded my eyes when I stepped into the blinding light of the outside world, trying to think of a game plan to complete the maze next time I got a chance. Merle led me back inside, letting me play with the chest of drawers until dinner time.

Published 11/17/18
We're doing a game guys! Who can tell me how Holli can complete the maze? Winner gets to choose which of my stories they want updated next!

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