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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====:Scene Change

3rd POV

     Naruto Uzumaki, Konoha's number one knuckle head ninja, was rushing to his apartment to pack for the trip. Take it easy!! You've only just woken up from that last beating, you haven't completely healed up yet. I hurt more than yesterday's.

    Ever since Naruto's fifth birthday, the villager's never ceased to torture him every chance they got. Of course Naruto tried his hardest to avoid them, but most of the time, the villagers found other ways. Even some shinobi joined in beating the blonde, agreeing that they were just "serving justice." Why do you not fight back, Kit? You can take them! No I can't....if I even lay a scratch on one of the villagers...the council will just punish me, maybe even kill me. But if you don't they'll kill you instead.



What about the old grandma? Tsunade would do something about it, I'm sure. I don't know...I don't want to bother her. Plus..she's got a lot on her hands being the Hokage...she doesn't have time to worry about someone like me. Naruto walked up the steps and made it to his battered apartment he called home. He stepped inside, greeted with the cruel graffiti that stained the apartment walls and floor.The landlord, whenever Naruto was away on missions, would sometimes let the other villagers into his apartment to defile and trash the place up. Sometimes he too would join in wrecking all of Naruto's things. A new rock was lying on the floor along with shattered pieces of the already broken down window. Naruto closed the battered door to his home and walked over to the stone, picking it up. 'MONSTER DIE!!' was engraved onto the rock. Walking over to his bedroom, he tossed the rock to the corner, where a pile of the many other rocks were stored.

     Naruto went to the back wall of his room and tore off the seal he had set there. The wall immediately vanished, revealing an interior storage shelf where he kept all of his belongings. He knew that if they were left out in the open, someone would have destroyed them. Since he barely had anything, he would always take them on missions just in case someone had found the shelf. There was the picture of Team 7, a good supply of Ichiraku Cup of Ramen, few pairs of clothes, his ninja tools, weapons, and scrolls, bandage rolls, and a red bracelet. Grabbing a roll of bandages and another kill me orange jumpsuit, he headed over to the bathroom.

    He took off his orange jacket and his shirt, looking into the mirror. He grimaced at his bare torso. His skin was marred with stabs and burns. Scars overlapped each other, and bruises of sickly yellow and purple decorated his malnourished body. There were cruel words engraved into his skin, reminding him everyday just how much his village despised him. He ran his fingers over the messages written on his body.

Demon Brat







No One Loves You

     He was reminded of the harsh reality of his existence every moment of his life; forced to  bear the hateful labels the villagers gave him. Naruto let a single tear drop. He was disgusted with his body, and wished that all the pain would just stop. If only. Naruto stripped of the rest of his tattered clothing and stepped into the shower. The landlord refused to grant him warm water or any "heat" appliance privileges, other than the small stove in his kitchen. Naruto let the cold water run down his body, stinging some of the recent wounds he had received. He sighed and closed his eyes.

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