I Hate You

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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====: Scene Change

3rd POV

     Naruto opened the doors of the cabin, seeing the jounin in the lobby area. He quickly made his way to his room, trying to avoid answering questions. On his way to the staircase, he bumped into someone. "Oh, hey Ino," he greeted. "Hi Naruto. What happened back there?" the platinum blonde asked. "Oh, I was just over reacting about something...no big deal, honest ," he replied.

"Don't lie to me Naruto, Sasuke said something about a girl. Does it have to do with her?" she asked. "What? No, it doesn't. Don't worry about it." he replied. "Aaaaaw, c'mon Naruto, don't be such a baby, if you're having any girl trouble, you can always tell me," she insisted. "I said I'm fine! Don't worry about it, okay?" Naruto answered. He waved bye to Ino before heading up to his own room.

Sakura POV

     "Well, he didn't really tell me anything, just said not to worry about it," Ino said as she walked into the room. "Did you ask about the fox hunt?" Hinata asked. "No, just about the girl," said Ino, "I didn't know he had a girlfriend."

"It's not a girlfriend Ino, just a girl, so don't worry Hinata." I said to calm Hinata down. "I-I know it's not a girlfriend, I'm just worried about Naruto-kun," she replied, "he's been acting so strange...."

"I know, I've never seen him like this before. I mean, he's always so loud and happy and stuff like that," Tenten commented, "but, then again, I never really hang out with him, how about you Sakura?"


"Actually, I don't really know a lot about him either...just that he's happy all the time, he can be stupid and annoying, and he likes ramen and the color orange, but now I'm not sure." I said.



Everyone turned to my best friend and rival to hear what she had to say, "Well, remember what Sasuke-kun said? Naruto's always different when we bring up the fox hunt. Maybe he's acting up because the fox hunt takes place today."

"That's silly, even if it does take place today, we're not even at the village to see it. And what does it have to do with him, anyway?" Tenten said. "Well..I don't know, but there's a connection I'm sure!" Ino said. I put my head down, This is silly...we're talking about Naruto here, there's nothing to worry about him is there?? What about the fox hunt could possibly be bothering him?


3rd POV

Naruto made his way to the room, flopping onto his bed. He let out a sigh before face planting into his pillow. Hey Kurama? Hm? I never really asked you this, but who are my parents?? What were they like?? Finally, I was wondering when you'd ask me this...well they died protecting you from me. What? ...um, well you see, I kinda almost sorta maybe tried to kiiiill youuu....
You tried to kill me?! Hey!! You're not dead are you? That's beside the point! It wasn't my fault! I was under control, remember? Yeah yeah I kno—actually, you never did tell me who—



Naruto turned around to meet his teammate. He sighed before speaking, "You don't make a good Sasuke, Sakura-chan ." She chuckled, "Well, I tried." The rosette made her way to the edge of Naruto's bed.

"Can I talk to you?"

"You already are."

"You know what I mean, idiot."

     Naruto gasped, "I am not an idiot!! Sakura-Chan you're so meeeaaan!!" Sakura sighed, "Tell me the truth." Naruto rose an eyebrow. "I don't understand? What truth am I hiding?" he asked. "Oh, I don't know, maybe what's bothering you?" she said.

"What do you mean Saku—"

"I'm not an idiot."


The blonde averted his gaze with his teammate for a second. "It's hard to explain..." Naruto started. "How hard can it be??"


     The third member of the team stepped into the room, concerned for his friend. "I still have questions for you, you know that?" Sasuke said. "I thought you got what you wanted," Naruto said. "What the hell are you two talking about?" asked Sakura.

"It's none of your business—"

"Yeah, okay no, you listen to me. I'm part of Team 7, too. I have the right to know what's going on with you guys."



"You guys?? Hello???? Hey! Don't ignore me!!"

"What? I mean, no!! Sorry Sakura-chan..." Naruto said. "Okay then...so???" Sakura said.

"...Alright fine..."

     "Sasuke?! But—" Sasuke cut Naruto off, " She has a good point." Naruto grumbled, "This isn't fair, you and the other two already know abou—" "Other two??" asked Sakura.



Sasuke sighed, "Okay..it started around the day the Nine Tails attacked." "Sasuke!!" Naruto shouted. "She deserves answers!!" he answered back.

"No! No she does not need to know! Actually, you weren't supposed to know. No one was supposed to know!! And it was supposed to stay that way!!!"

"Yeah!? Who was the one that decided to tell me, huh!? Wasn't it some dobe crying his stupid head off in the middle no where?! Oh, wait yes it was!!"


"You think this is something to keep from us?! We're not like the others out there you know?! Or what, do you just no trust us?!?!"

"Well what reason do I have to trust any of you, huh?! Answer that!!!"

"Like I have to answer tha—

"You're just a bastard who thinks he's better than everyone else!! And you!"

Naruto pointed and Sakura with an accusing finger, "You're just a smart ass fangirl who beats on me without giving a damn!!! Ino's basically you!!! Kiba's pride obsessed!!! Neji's destiny obsessed!!! And you guys never even lift a finger to spend even a second of time with me unless you're forced to!!! You never even tried to get to know me as a person!!! You just assumed I was some dumb bozo in orange, and that's it!!! You think that stunt you pulled back at the forest is gonna make me go on and trust you like a little good boy? Well guess what!!! You still give me no reason to trust you, any of you!! You're no friends!!!! You're all just jerks!!"



Naruto stood up abruptly and walked over to the door, "Fine...tell her...I guess I can't really stop the Great Last Uchiha from doing whatever the hell he wants." Naruto opened the door.


Ino, Hinata, and Tenten plopped to the ground at Naruto's feet. The rest of the group closely behind them, listening to the conversation inside. They all gave a nervous chuckle.

"Um, just passing through?" Kiba tried.

Naruto huffed and gave an annoyed growl. He walked passed the little crowd, brief memories of mobs flashing through this mind. He stopped right by the beginning of the staircase and turned around.

"I really hate you."

Writer's Block Sucks!!

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