Drown It

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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====:Scene Change

3rd POV

     Naruto held tightly onto the fishing pole, hoping to catch a big fish. He looked concentrated, sweat dripping down his brow. He sighed, "It's been so looooooong." "Be patient Naruto, there'll be fish soon," Kakashi said, holding onto his own pole. A little bit further from the fishers, the genin in the lake were plotting a little prank for their blonde friend.

"Hey guys I have an idea," Kiba called. "What?" asked Ino, swimming over. "You wanna help me prank Naruto?" he asked. "Huh?!" Hinata whispered, "W-why?" Kiba snorted, "Why not? I mean it's supposed to be a bonding trip. I bet he already booby trapped the cabin, so we should get the jump on him first." "Oooh, sounds fun! What do you have in mind?" asked Sakura. Kiba snickered, "Okay, so here's what I have in mind."

Kiba looked back at Naruto who was still waiting for a fish before looking back, "So Naruto hasn't caught a fish yet. I say we pull on the wire to make him think it's a fish then we pull him into the lake. We can swim away right after. Good plan or what?" Ino snickered, "A taste of his own medicine huh?" "Alright let's do it," Sakura agreed, "Hey what about you guys?" Chouji shrugged, "Meh, what harm could it do?" Tenten nodded, agreeing that it was just a silly prank. Lee and Hinata stayed behind.

Naruto traveled into his mindscape,since nothing was really happening yet. Hey Kura, you heard Yuni, too right? Do you think she's really in the forest. I don't know kit, you do you. 'But there was a strange presence when we heard her' I can't believe this is happening now...of all the times. Kit, listen to me. Whatever happened to her, wasn't your fault.
Is that really true?

Naruto gripped the red bracelet tucked inside his pocket and sighed. Suddenly, he felt a tug,


He gripped the pole tighter and tried to reel in what he thought was a fish. What the hell?! It's heavy!! Under the water Kiba, Ino, Sakura, Tenten, and Chouji, held and tugged the wire to seem like a fighting fish. It wasn't until Kiba gave the signal that they pulled the wire and Naruto fell into the water.



Naruto POV

     The water was cold, biting at my skin. I felt my wounds stinging and burning and let go of the fishing pole, gripping her bracelet, the last thing I had of Yuni. I felt the oxygen leaving me, memories of my past flowed into my mind. I was struggling for air, feeling the same chain on my ankle. I tried to scream but nothing came out. Even in the water, I felt tears leaving my eyes. I was so scared, just like before...


Flashback: 5-6 years ago/Konoha/age 7

Naruto POV

     I was running, as fast as I could go. I looked back to see the angry villagers, those mean people. I tripped and fell. Big mistake. I tried to get up, but a big hand grabbed my arm and threw me across the ground. Again, I tried to get on my feet, but I was pinned down. I felt something cover my eyes, a blind fold. Suddenly I was lifted and dragged on my back to who knows where. I felt big feet kicking and hammering my body as screams of hate rang in my ears. The small rocks on the road scratched my back through my tattered green shirt. I felt the dragging stopped as I was thrown somewhere. Then someone shouted:

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