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Kurama talking in the mind
'Kurama thinking'
---------:Dreams and Flashbacks
'Memory quotes'
=====: Scene change

3rd POV

"When she found out you went to academy with me, Yuni was really excited. Apparently her mom was also part of the Uchiha clan, but she died during the Kyuubi's attack."

"The girl in the photo?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded, "Yeah."

Sasuke glared at the name like it was mocking him, reminding him of the clan he had lost.


Yuni Uchiha


She was alive. Even after the massacre, a part of his family was still alive and he could've made a bond with her.

But he never found her.

He never knew her.

And now, she's dead.


Sasuke shook his head, trying to cast out the familiar ache of helplessness he felt the night of the massacre.

The girl was dead, and now he was truly the Last Uchiha.


"I wanted you to meet her, but she was always too scared to meet you. She thought you would hate her."

Sasuke stiffened at that and asked, "Why should I hate her?"

Naruto pondered silently before responding, "I think she thought you wouldn't like her eyes. Yuni's eyes were bright and silver. They looked nothing like an Uchiha's eyes, so she was embarrassed about them. I didn't get it, I thought her eyes were beautiful, almost like diamonds, but she still didn't think so."

Sasuke put his head down. That's right. The girl in the photo had silver eyes, and the Uchiha usually have dark eyes like coal, aside from the Sharingan. No one would think she was be an Uchiha. If anything, she looked more like a Hyuuga.

"But that's strange," Hinata spoke up, "k-kekkei-genkai, especially dojutsu, should be dominant. I-If she had any Uchiha blood, shouldn't she have been born with d-dark eyes?"

"That's not necessarily true," Sasuke interjected, "While it is rare, I'm sure there were a few people with light colored eyes who were Uchiha. Yuni could have still been an Uchiha, even with her silver eyes...I wouldn't have minded meeting her."

A brief silence followed before Naruto opened up, placing a comforting hand on Sasuke's shoulder.

"Yuni really admired you. She always asked old man hokage to take her to the academy spars so she could watch you. She thought you were cool, second only to me of course, and you had a very special, small, tiny place in her heart. I'm not that surprised though, you darn pretty boy."

"What? I never noticed her."

"Well I did. You know how irritating it was to hear her laugh her head off after seeing you kick my face to the ground? I never heard the end of it," Naruto huffed.

Hinata giggled at that and Sasuke gave a small smirk. He was growing fond of his newly found would-be cousin which only made the ache in his heart grow. He wished he would have noticed her.

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