Chapter 9

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Quensilla's POV

We all sat after the meeting and it was actually enjoyable. No creepy old men, just a few kind people looking to buy a beautiful island.

Of course there was only one buyer but who cares, we were all peaceful. He except for Theodore who would not stop looking at me from across the room. I avoided his eyes, closing the notes.

"Ms. James was it?" The woman who got the land with her husband turned to me.

"Yes. How are you?" I smile politely.

"I'm great thanks to you." She grins and I can't help but laugh.

"Not me, (Dang it! What was Theodore's surname again?) Mr. Storm."

"Yea, but your points also helped. Me and I my husband have been trying to just find a place to retire now. Let the kiddies take over." She smiles lovingly and her long grey hair moved happily.

"Everything okay here?" Theodore's deep voice rang around us and I immediately tense up, the woman's husband behind him.

"Yes yes, its fine. I was just praising your beautiful assistant here. She really is a valuable asset." She waves him up and I can't help but blush.

"She is, isn't she." Theodore eyes was trained on me, and his words had a different meaning, I was sure of it.

"I'm so glad to have this land with John, it seems like ages since its been just you and me." She says and her husband, John pulls her into his side. They were so adorable for such an ageable couple.

"Well we must be off now." John says smiling and I nod, they were probably so excited. "Remember what I told you son." He winks and Theodore and Theodore nods, patting his shoulder.

I zone out through their conversation, smiling at Daniella's own conversation as she begged me to stay in France a little longer.

Like hell I would, who knows what Penelope was putting in her head.

"Quensilla?" My head snapped to Theodore. "Are you okay?"

I only nod, averting my eyes.

"Are you ready to go home?"

"Sure." I shrug, it didn't really matter, everyone was leaving anyway. I just wanted to be embraced by the soft hotel bed.

× × ×

I couldn't be embraced by the soft hotel bed.

Theodore insisted that we just had to talk at this instant so I changed and debated on pretending to accidentally fall asleep.

But I was curious.

I found him also undressed, a plain T-shirt and some basketball shorts.

As soon as he saw me, he drank the last of his drink and he looked a little dazed.

"Are you drunk? Already?" I stop in my tracks and he rolls his eyes.

"No mam." I roll my eyes, stepping closer to him and placing myself on the opposite side of the couch.

"So? Is this something work related."

"No. Its about you and me."

"Theodore." I warn.


"There is no you and me."

"Quensilla—" I stood from the couch abruptly and he does the same.

"Theodore if it's not about work, then—"

"Just listen—"

"No. I can't listen to you say how this is my fault. How I should just get over it. Let it go. I won't allow myself to feel like what I did wasnt—" Then it happened.

I can't help as my stomach ignites with fire and butterflies as his lips press against mine. At first I resist, but he's persistent, keeping his lips on mine so I give in. Wrapping my hands in his hair, and he groans lifting me his hands moving to my butt.

All the old feelings, those I desperately tried to wash away as I laid awake at night came crashing back and I can't stop them. Pulling away as tears abruptly enter my eyes and he senses this placing me down.

"I can't do this." My voice breaks as I try to walk away.

"Quensilla I'm sorry, baby I'm sorry—"

"No. ." I shook my head almost sobbing and he pulled me into his chest.

"Shh, just listen. I'm sorry, its my fault. Its all my fault. I did it. I left you, and I acted like what I did couldn't have hurt you as much as it hurt me but it did, and baby I'm so fucking sorry."


"No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Theodore —"

"Just don't be mad at me anymore. Please."

Where was the arrogant man that refused to even utter a sorry word to my face?

This time I move away and he let's me as I wipe my tears.

"Quensilla. . "

"I. . not right now okay? I can't. . I don't know what to think." I back away to my room and he moves towards me. "Stop." He does as I say, a sad expression on his face. "Just. . stop."

I turn around, walking quickly to my room and locking the door before sitting on the bed, sobs violently spilling from my body.

I couldn't handle it. All the pain from what I felt suddenly coming back. Unreleased hurt and betrayal, it all came rushing back.

And damn it.

It hurt.

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