Chapter 13

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Quensilla's POV

"Quensilla!" Before I could jump at the voice, something cold fell over me and I gasp shooting up.

"What? What is it? Is it fire? Do we . . have- what in the world Theodore." I groan.

"You're going to be late for your date." He says with a bit of anger and I frown.

But I went on my date. . yesterday.

"I thought I. ." I was dreaming. No wonder the pizza was so. . huge.


I rub my face, feeling uncomfortable. "What is this?" It's too thick to be water.

"You poured tomato sauce on me?!"

"Well duh. Can't you see it." Then he licks his finger, slowly. I eye him and he smirks.

Clearing my throat, I get off the bed and into the bathroom.

"You're cleaning it all up!"

× × ×

Dressed in jeans and a red polo shirt, I honestly didn't pack for a date.

My mind went back to the dream, and it was strange how realistic it felt. . . is my mind trying to tell me something?

The doorbell rang and I sigh, walking towards it. Peter stood with a bright smile and a cute box of chocolate.

Maybe he is trying to give me diabetes.

"Those are for me?" I give him a small smile.

"Who else? No one is worthy of such except for a beautiful woman like you." He teases and I roll my eyes amused at his attempt.

"Thank you, I'm still trying to eat those from yesterday though." I chuckle, accepting the gift and he nods.

"Anything for you, you look beautiful. . even when so simply dressed." He winks and I snort lowly. "Shall we?"

I link my hands in his, looking back to close the door but Theodore was no where to be seen.

× × ×

"You don't like it?" He asks as I gag on the French sausage. We were currently trying different French foods and apparently this one wasn't very nice. I shake my head, making a face and he chuckles, handing me a napkin.

"Alright try these." He brings over a funny looking meat to my mouth and I reluctantly take a bite. Its juices immediately make their way into my mouth and I groan at how good and chewy it was.

"This one is good." I nodded and he grinned.

"It's Boules de vache"

"What's that? Some type of French chicken?" I continue eating.

"Nope." He tilted his head. "Cow balls." My eyes widen as I start violently choking on the animal's testicles.


"Its been traditionally cooked for year—"

"Oh my gosh. Was I Just Eating its. . juices." This is the embarrassing part where I throw the plate onto the ground. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh—" Peter started laughing loudly clutching his stomach and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You should've seen your face." He cackles up. "Its just beef coated in cheese sauce." He grins and I smack his arm.

"I'm so sorry." He wipes his tears and I sigh watching the beef on the ground.

He pulls me into him, by the waist and its a bit awkward. "Hey, its okay. If you want more I can get you some."

"No, no. I think I've tried enough weird food." He chuckles walking with me. "Plus my feet hurt."

"They do?" I nod, and before I know it I'm in the air. Peter had me in his arms, bridal style and I gasped at how light he made my elephant self seem.

I don't complain, just enjoy it because my feet were currently in heaven.  He walks us over to a bench where he places me down.

"Wait here." He says before quickly running off, and I can't help but think of how my dream emphasized him as an arrogant, self-centered man, when in reality, he was anything but that.

He came back after a few minutes with two bottles of water and a cup.

"Here." He hands me the cup and I look to find something thats looks like vanilla milkshake.

"Is this. ." I almost gasp.

"I figured you were tired of chocolate." He shrugged. "And this is for later. Gotta stay hydrated."

"I think I'm in love." I moan as I sip the creamy, milky milkshake and he runs a hand through his hair, giving me a lopsided grin.

"Is that so?"

"Mhm." I hum happily.

"You're so adorable." He shakes his head and I scrunch my nose. "How do you find France?"

"Its really good. .I like their bread. It's very. . extensive." He nods, his eyes wide.

"It's called baguette which literally means long stick or just stick. I never really liked it. Even if I'm from here. It just looks weird." He shakes his head and I grin at his upset face.

"How long have you owned your company?"

"Roughly .seven years now." He says leaning on his knees.

"That's impressive. You made it pretty fast."

"Yea I guess. Its more the quality than quantity. How about you? What do you do for work?"

"I work as Theodore's secretary." I state and he nods.

"I wished I was the one who had the chance to give you such a position." He snaps his eyes to mine, a dangerous twinkle and I blush, looking away. "You're absolutely beautiful." He sighs.

"I assume that you agreeing to be on this date means there's no one else?" He asks and I hesitate.

What're you doing!

"No. . there's no one else." My does it feel like I'm lying? His smile was bright as he looked up at me.

"Great. . we can take things slow if you like."

"Slow." I nod and he sits up, allowing me to lean on him as we descend into lost thoughts.


× × ×

Later that evening, I'm up against a fancy looking white wall, as Peter grips the life out of my waist.

He groans loudly as I run my hand through his hair and his tongue asking for entrance and I allow it.

Everything about the kiss was perfect. He was gentle but dominating at the same time, he was compact not sloppy, so why did it feel wrong?

Why do I feel like Theodore could be better?

Damn it.

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