Chapter 17

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(Letting you guys know, Daniella was just to add to the plot. . she doesn't really hold significance so there won't really be much of her. 😂😂)
Quensilla's POV

"How do you know Chase woman!" I was tired of asking her the same question, over and over again but I was curious.

We sat in my house, Daniella laying on my lap fast asleep, and I had to remember to ask Penelope what they did last night.

Penelope kinda just shut down on me after we left the airport. She just pretended to not know Chase as she helped me to the car, and he followed her, begging her to talk to him.

"He's an old friend." She says bitterly and I raise an eyebrow.


"Mhm." She hums eyes trained on the TV.

"Look me in the eye and lie to me again." Instantly she turns her head, tilting it her eyes locked with mine.

"He's an old friend."

"Man you're a good liar." I shake my head and she snorts. "C'mon P. I tell you everything. . what's going on." It takes a moment before she sighs and turns to me again.

"Chase is. . my ex." I blink rapidly, thinking of how small this world was, when it really wasn't.

"Chase? As in Chase Daniel?"


"Damn. ." I swallow and she shakes her head.

"It happened in highschool, I was a sophomore, he was a senior. A year later he left for college and we ended it." She shrugs and I furrow my eyebrows.

"So why dont you talk to him? I mean its not his fault-"

"We promised to try and make the long distance work. Not even a month later he calls saying that he found another girl. Someone that can stay with him." I try to think back to a time where Chase had a girlfriend, but I really don't recall so maybe, It was before I met him.

"Oh. . ." I murmur as she just leans back in her seat.

"Seeing him today. . he caught me by surprise."

"But I usually talked about him when we discussed Theodore."

"How many chases are there?" She defends and I shake my head.

"The world is so small." I voice my thoughts and she snorts. "So what're you going to do about it?"

"What?" She scoffs and I tilt my head.

"Well, you're always telling me to cope with Theodore so what about you?"

"You and Theodore's situation is totally different."

"Not really." I run my hand in Daniella's hair.

"Silla, I really don't want anything to do with him. I'm happy with the way my life is."

"Mhm." I smirk.

"Stop it." She narrows her eyes at me.

"Stop what?"

"Whatever you're about to do. And yknow what? Speaking about Theodore. How did everything go?"

"Sheesh woman, the things I have to tell you."

× × ×

After the longish speech, Penelope just sat in the same position.

"Imbecile." She yelled suddenly pinching my arms.


Daniella had woken up, looked at me mischievously and ran to her room. Of course we had a little chat, but she never gave me any details.

"You're supposed to be with Theodore!" She yells again..

"I said I would try."

"No!" She pinches me again, harder.


"Theodore knows everything about you, he begged you and you dropped him for some rich French dude. I am so disappointed I can't even look at you."

"Peter makes me happy."

"Or horny." She narrows her eyes and I gasp.


"Really? You sure you don't just want him to lick your cherry?"


"I bet Theodore would do it better." She scoffs and I face palm.

"Its not about sex Penelope, we both know I'm a virgin."

"Which is why Theodore should be the one taking it away."

"I like Peter."

"Well I don't like him." She folds her arm.

"You're not the one kissing him."

"You kissed him?! After two dates? Quensilla!" This time she punched me and I nearly died right there.

"Jeez woman." I cough. "He knows about me, and Daniella and mostly everything else."

"After two dates?" She gapes again and I sigh rubbing my face.

"Lord, oh lord. What is wrong with you! What if he's a criminal? A rapist?"

"He's known all over the world I don't think so." I raise an eyebrow.

"Excuses, excuses." She shakes her head. "I can't believe you."

"Peter is a great guy." I sigh.

"After two da-"

"I get it okay! We went in two dates! But Penelope I'm not sixteen, seventeen or eighteen anymore. This is not some silly love story because I really don't have much to say, I like him, he likes me I wanna see where this goes. If you have a problem with it, then I can't help you."

"I am your best friend. I'm just looking out for you."

"I know but repeating what I already know, won't help my situation." I was getting irritated and I guess she knew that because she dropped it.

"I hope you know what you're doing Silla."

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