Chapter 12

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Quensilla's POV

The doorbell rang and I jumped, a little anxious and still a bit. . dazed. . from last nights conversation. I didn't know what to think, what to do. I was lost.

Opening the door, Peter stood in front of me with a blue tight button up shirt and matching skinny jeans. His hair was still wild and untamed but it looked good on him.

"Hello there beautiful." He breathes, and I blush. I chose a simple white knee length dress since I never even packed for a date.

The thrift shop is such a beautiful place.

"She's allergic to rose." A deep voice says from behind me and the flower bundle that I barely noticed is removed from Peter's hand.

True enough, a little sneeze escapes my mouth and Peter gapes.

"I'm so sorry."

"Its okay. You didn't know." I laugh nervously and walk outside, only turning to close the door.

I catch Theodore's pained expression as Peter grabs my hand, and I hate that it pulls my heart a little.

"Later Theodore."

"Okay. ."

I awkwardly close the door, and Peter turns to me.

"Do you guys have something going on?" I only sigh.

"We had , but its over now."

He nods as if he understands and I avert my eyes. "How does pizza sound."

× × ×

That is a. . huge. .pizza.

"Thats the smallest I could get." He says sitting and I gape.

"The pizza is practically falling off the table."

"At least we won't be hungry." He grkns.

"Are you kidding me? Five boxes and we're ending world hunger." He chuckles taking the forks and handing

"We can't really eat with our hands." He motions to the size again and I snort, using the fork to pierce the soft deliciousness.

It melts in my mouth and I have to admit this is the nicest pizza I have ever eaten.

Moist, cheesy. I wonder if Theodore would—


"So. . What shall be our topic for tonight?"

"I dont know maybe just—"

"Want to hear about my company?" He interrupts eagerly.

"Oh. .I-I guess."

"I started about four years ago, with the idea of making small people. . something big. Helping the youth."

"Oh sounds very—"

"Imagine that, four years later I'm big. Owning industries world wide, my pictures and models in top magazines. I'm amazing." He nods to himself and I bite my lip, losing my appetite.

"Can you pass me a napk—"

"People from all across the world come to me, just so they can get a sense of my company. I'm very well known, practically a celebrity. And I came from a farm. A farm."

"Really, I didn't —"

"And I think I'm quite handsome too. . I mean, you need to have the look to represent your company-"

× × ×
I miss Theodore.

He's all that's been ringing through my mind and all Peter does is brag about himself.

Just take me back.

I miss you.

I'm sorry.

I'm just afraid that maybe he'll leave me when I'm down again.

When I'm raw and broken.

Talk to him.

"You're not listening." I jump back I'm surprise as Peter slams his hand down on the table.

"Oh. . I'm sorry." Yawning, I had lost interest by the time he started to count the amount of shoes he had in his closet.

"I'm talking about my hair, you need this advice." Pursing my lips, I check my watch.



Almost five hours with this annoying man. And I've never uttered a word about myself.

"Yknow Mr. Petroverse. I have to get home."

"Oh, I'll walk you home then." He stops talking and stands. I shake my head vigorously stopping him.

"I'm good."

"Did you have a good time?"

"I had a great time." I lie and he grins.

"I know you would. Tomorrow again then?"

"No. . tomorrow's my last day, I think I'll spend it with my coworkers."

"Oh you're leaving France?" He frowns. "How will we meet again? So I can shower you in chocolate." He drawls and I force a laugh.

"I dont know. . who knows. . nobody knows. Bye now."

"I'll make sure that we see each other again!" He says as I walk out and I scoff.

"I hope not."

× × ×

Closing the hotel room door, I come face to face with the man I've always loved.

The man who left me.

The man who hurt me.

But the man who felt the pain, as much as me and gave up his pride.

The man who I'm going to forgive.

The man I'm going to continue loving. .

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air.

Walking towards him its like we share an understanding as he immediately cups my cheek, colliding my lips with him.

How do you expect me, to live alone with just me.

He lifts me, our lips never leaving as he backs us up to the wall, which I crashed into not long ago, out kiss growing more eager by the moment,from lost contact, and selfish neediness.

If there was a way I could make you understand.

Groaning as my hands run through his hair, and he nips at my lips greedily asking for entrance. I grant him permission, moaning and he gropes my butt.

"Tell me you love me." I murmur against his mouth.

"I love you." He breathes.

Its so hard for me to breathe.

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