Chapter 18

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Quensilla's POV

It was around nine thirty and I was utterly exhausted from the jetlag. I was all cuddled up in bed, Daniella deciding to spend the night at Penelope's house.

I know.

My phone erupts my trance of pursuing sleep, and Peter's name flashes against the screen, bringing a smile against my lips.

"Bonjour." He purrs, and my smile turns into a grin.

"Hello there."

"How are you my love?'

"I'm good, and you?" He sighs.

"I miss you already." I nearly melt at that and I could picture his face now, a sheepish smile.

I play with the material of my shirt, "you do?"

"Mhm, especially you in the bathroom. Maybe then I'd be completely satisfied again."

"Peter makes me happy."

Do I make him happy?

Or. . is it just sinful lust.

I push away the thought, deciding to ignore his last comment. "How was your flight?"

"It was okay, I'm a bit tired though." A yawn proves me right and he chuckles.

"Well, go to sleep love."

"I will." My eyes move to close and I can barely here him on the other line.

Sleep filling my head, content taking over.

× × × ×

Two weeks later.

To say that everything at work was stiff was an understatement. As an assistant, I had to work with Theodore closely, and it was hard since every moment he seemed to be making snark remarks or simply going blunt.

"When's the last time you saw him."

"I don't think that's your business."

"You're making a mistake."

"Then I'll learn from it." I snap, walking out of his office.

He just can't get over the fact that we're over.

We're done.

I can't believe —

"I never thought I could see such a worrying expression on such a pretty face."


I gape at the nearly groomed tall man. His hair was no longer neck length but rather cut short, only grazing his forehead.

"I thought I'd be getting a little more sugar when I got here." He teases and I laugh breathlessly, walking towards him to engulf him in a hug.

"What're you doing here?" I ask as we pull away.

"Well. .  I did tell you I was going to surprise you. So here I am."

We had been keeping in touch over the phone and sometimes with Skype when he had the time, but seeing him in person was way better.

"You look great." I compliment and he flashes me a grin.

"Who needs all that hair anyway?" He snorts and I roll my eyes at how smug he seemed.

"How long are you here for?"

"Remember when I told you I had an office here? I decided that since my love lived all the way over here, that I would transfer to my branch in this city." He smirks and I gasp.

"That's —"

"Quensilla. I don't pay you to talk to uninvited guests, you have work to do." Theodore calls out to me sternly and I sigh because he's right.

"I have to work now."

"Its okay, take my new number.  And we'll meet up later."

× × ×

After our interaction, Theodore was unsurprisingly cold towards me and I dealt with it professionally.

"You may leave now." It was only four thirty and I looked at him with a questionable look on my face.

"Its a bit early don't you think?'

"I don't want to keep you back from your plans Ms. James." He leans back in his chair and u grit my teeth.

"Of course. Thank you." I grab my bag and my coat, my heels clicking against the tiles and I could feel his stare.

"Have a good night Ms. James."

"You too sir." And that's exactly how it should be.

× × ×

"Hey I'm at the restaurant. Where are you?" I ask him, motioning to the waiter to just hold on a second for the fifteenth and he sighs.

"I'm so sorry love but I can't make it tonight."

"Oh. . is everything alright?"

"No, yea everything's great just had some thing's to take care of, maybe tomorrow?"

"Okay. Tomorrow." I state and he blows kisses through the phone like I was some child before hanging up.


I stand embarrassed, apologizing to the waitress when someone caught my eye. Theodore.

I was about to make my way to him when another thing crossed my line of vision. A woman.

She was okay. She hand dark brown hair and a curvy build. She seemed a bit nervous and Theodore looked amused as they chatted.

I rub the burning sensation, willing it to go away because I was over him.

I was so over him.


I look around, tears brimming my eyes and I wonder why I was being so pathetic.

Just leave.

And that's what I did. I was out in a flash, Theodore gave me the car, as promises before we left for France and I'm just glad that he did or else I'd be walking alone at night in this gloomy state.

Its going to get better.


I'm with Peter now. And I'm happy.

I'm happy

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