0.6 » he's back

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Hey hi hello :)

okay first off sorry for taking so long to upload a new chapter but the last couple days have been really stressful .-.

Anyway I'm really curious if you guys like it so far, there's a lot more to come but some comments would definitely motivate me even more ♡ So let me know what you think

So then, enjoy reading :)

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"Hey Lockwood. I reckon we still have some stuff to sort out," Tommy exclaimed climbing up to me on the bleachers.

"Do we? Because you already tried to punch me in the face last night and missed, so that is a fail which still counts as an attempt. So we're even." - "You really think you're funny, do ya? Wait until I wipe that smile off your face."

I snorted. "Look, I know you won't like this but you're my smallest problem right now so either slap me right here and now or get lost," I sneered, waving him off, when the coach called out to him 'he should get his ass back down to the others'.

I didn't pay much attention to the game but I did notice there seemed to be a certain rivalry evolving between Steve and Billy. As long as they didn't resort to beating each other up that wasn't my problem though, but if that Hargrove guy ever laid a hand on my best friend, I would have to have a few words with him.

"Steve?" Nancy had walked in and called out to her boyfriend, but he didn't react.

A break was announced and Steve left, while everyone else quickly stretched, then someone else was called in and the game continued. Looking back at the blank page in my lap I closed the sketchbook, frustrated I couldn't come up with anything to draw.

Thus, for the rest of the lesson, I watched the guys play basketball, a bit envious since us girls weren't allowed to join in on the game. Apparently it was too dangerous for our fragile bodies to play such a brutal game with such grown men.


Steve came back, looking obviously distressed, joining the game immediately but he seemed a little less coordinated. As though he was trying really hard to keep it together.

I decided to lay down for a bit, breathe a little and calm myself down so that I could properly be there for him later.

"Lucy?" Someone shook me and I jolted awake, almost crashing my forehead onto the other persons nose. "Good I thought I'd lost you there for a second," Steve huffed, already dressed in his regular clothing.

I sat up, trying to adjust to the whole situation. I must've fallen asleep on the bleachers, the gym was now empty except for Steve and myself, and the winning team (Team Skin apparently) currently leaving the locker rooms.

Suddenly I saw a way too familiar face pass by the door to the hallway, which made me jump up immediately just so I could stumble and almost fall down the bleachers. Luckily Steve caught me, gave me a concerned look but I tried brushing it off by smiling. "Let's go?" - "Uh ... sure."

I made sure we left through the other door, the one where I did not see the face that haunted me through night after night, and soon enough we were sitting in my car.

The sound of the heavy rain against the roof and windows was so calming that I didn't even turn on the radio. Neither of us talked until we arrived at the diner, hurrying inside to avoid getting drenched in water.

We were greeted by a middle aged waitress; she gave us the menu and we quickly decided to each have a coffee and share a pizza.

"So ... what happened at the party?" I asked cautiously, studying every possible twitch in his face. He just shrugged, tugging at the old leather seat he was on.

"I guess Nancy sort of broke up with me," He then mumbled, staring at the mustard.

"Sort of?" - "Well she said our whole relationship was bullshit so I suppose that's what she meant. And now I know she was totally wasted but ... I don't know. Sometimes that condition brings out the naked truth, as harsh as it may be. She insists she didn't mean it but when I asked her to tell me she loved me earlier ... she couldn't even say it."

I took a sip of my coffee, attentively studying the crease that had formed on his forehead.

"I feel like there's something going on with Jonathan. More than what I thought about last year. It's different this time. I just don't know what to do, Luce," He concluded, looking at me.

"I'm really the worst person to talk to when it comes to relationships and all that, I'm sorry." - "Don't be, really. I just need to get all of this off my mind or at least talk about it. And you don't interrupt me or give me half assed advice that won't work, you just listen."

With a lost smile I took his hand, for one to prevent him from completely destroying the leather seat, but also to get a hold of something. I wasn't too sure what to say, since I had noticed the feelings Jonathan had for Nancy already a while ago. There was no use lying to him, was there?

"You know something, don't you?" He asked, whereas it was more of a statement than a question. I shrugged, taking another sip of my coffee.

"I mean it's not really news Jonathan is into her, now is it?" - "Yeah ... ugh damn it," He exclaimed, smacking his forehead with his own hand. "Thanks for being honest, really." - "You can still try winning her over? Flowers? Chocolate? She's weak for stuff like that." - "I can try ... I guess. Yeah I'll try."

We got our pizza and ate silently for a while, until half of it had disappeared into our stomachs.

"Now it's your turn," Steve suddenly demanded, leaning back in his seat. The jukebox was blaring some Elvis songs, one of the truckers at the breakfast bar was tapping his fingers loudly and I felt a slight headache form at the overload.

Contemplating on whether I should tell him the truth or not I swallowed the last bits of pizza.

"It's nothing, really. I just haven't been sleeping too well." - "Don't lie to me," He snapped, almost knocking over his coffee mug. "Tell me the reason you haven't been sleeping well. Tell me what's going on with you. I know something's wrong and I want to help you."

Now it was my turn to awkwardly tug at the leather seat. "You've already got so much stuff going on yourself, I don't want to unnecessarily burden you with my crap as well." - "Oh come on! If anything I owe you one. You were the person that got me out of this god awful situation last year, after I broke off with Tommy and Carol, finally realising how much of an asshole I'd been. You're my best friend, Luce."

He grabbed my other hand, looking me dead in the eyes yet again.

"So ... Tell me what's wrong." I let out a long sigh, looking down onto my plate.

"My dad's here."

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