0.16 » demadogs

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When I finished the fifth sketch for some new characters I noticed that it had started to rain a while ago. Glancing at the clock I realised I had been awake all night long, busy distracting myself from getting started on my diaries.

I wondered how much longer I could procrastinate on this thing - probably until a couple days before the trial, in case they would even find my father. There had been almost an entire day in between him attacking me and me reporting him to the police. By now he could be in Canada for all I knew.

With a deep sigh I set the sketches aside and got out of my chair, stretching my legs and arms as much as possible, before heading downstairs to have breakfast - or lunch at this point.

Loki paced around my legs the entire time, only interrupted when he was busy with his own food. After that - and after the rain had stopped - we went out for a walk in the woods, when suddenly he began pulling at the leash as though he had seen something.

Confused I followed him, and he continued to distinctly pull me into a certain direction. If I was to meet my father here, in the middle of nowhere, in the woods out of all places, there really was no escape other than running.

Soon enough we arrived at the train tracks and I almost fell over some shrubbery. I could just pull Loki back before he could eat something that was laying around on the tracks.

Raw meat?

In fact, there seemed to be an entire trail of raw meat all the way down the tracks. Careful to keep some space between Loki and the meat, just in case someone had laid out poisoned bait, I followed the line of meat.

"Don't you dare eat any of that!" I said and pulled my dog away from a huge pile of meat, only to realise we had arrived at the old junkyard.

Why would anyone leave a path of raw meat that lead to an old junkyard? That didn't make any sense at all.

Keeping the leash short, just in case, I took a closer look to see if anything was different.

Suddenly something to my left moved and I immediately pointed the gun towards it.
"Wow, easy there," Steve said and I furrowed my brows, lowering the weapon.
"What the hell are you doing here?" - "I could ask you the same," I said, looking around, only to spot Dustin, Lucas and a ginger girl their age.

"It's nothing really. I'm just babysitting," He explained and I raised an eyebrow. "Since when exactly do you babysit?"
"Well I-"
"And since when do you need a baseball bat with nails in it for babysitting?!"
"You see-"
He was interrupted by Dustin approaching us, waving.

"You didn't tell me you called Lucy to help?" He said, smiling up at me whole the other two came over as well.

"Help? Dustin what's going on?" I asked, pulling Loki a little closer to my side.
"Steve didn't tell you? Okay I'll give you the short version. I found a baby demogorgon in my trashcan on Halloween night but didn't know what it was until I found it feeding on my cat and then I trapped him but he ran away so now here we are, trying to catch him," Dustin explained in a hurry and I blinked a couple times.

"It ate Mews?!" - "Yea but that's not the point. The point is we need to catch Dart before he ... kills again." Dustin looked down, he seemed upset. "Anyway it's good you're here now, we can use all the help we can get!"
Lucas nodded.

"Yeah hey Dustin ... I don't think that's a good idea actually," Steve intervened and I looked back at him.

"Alright Steve, listen, I'm not weak or anything," I said, rolling my eyes. "I know I know brotherly instinct, you already told me that, but I want to help and you know just as well as I do, that you won't stop me from helping. Just like Dustin said, the more people the better."
My best friend frowned, looking to the ground defeatedly.

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