0.20 » fight

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"Let me handle this," Steve said as he walked towards the door and I tried grabbing him by his arm. He pulled it away and shook his head at me, opening the door and stepping outside.

Over his shoulder I could see Billy getting out of his car, taking in a deep drag of his cigarette as he held onto the door.

"Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?"

Steve placed his hands on his hips and I assumed he rolled his eyes at the remark. "Yeah it's me, don't cream your pants."

As my best friend stepped away from the porch the door fell shut behind him and I massaged the bridge of my nose.

"Can you hear what they're saying?" Dustin asked as he scurried onto the couch with the others who just shrugged cluelessly. I instructed Loki to sit down on the couch and he obliged after a few seconds of hesitation.

"Guys? Get away from there, alright?" I called out. They didn't react.
"GUYS! HEY! You should probably get away from that window!"

Lucas turned around to look at me for a second. "And why is that?"

Walking over to the children I crossed my arms in front of my chest and sighed. "Well for starters, if Billy is looking for Max and he sees her in this very window of some random house with you guys, I assume he wouldn't be too happy about it. If what Max said is true-"

All of a sudden the four of them dropped down onto the couch with Dustin exclaiming a loud "Shit!" and I smacked my own forehead. "Did he see us?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why would he? I mean you were super sneaky and shit, real ninjas." Mike sighed while Dustin stuck out his tongue at me.

Taking a peek out of the window I saw Steve on the ground and Billy walking up to the door.

"Guys get back." I said and ushered them to the back of the room, staying close to the door myself.

The door was opened abruptly and Billy walked in, looking around for a bit, before his eyes locked on one of the boys and he spoke up in a dragged out, almost menacing manner. "Well well well ... Lucas Sinclair-"
He took a few steps towards the boy and stared at him. "-what a surprise."

Stopping and turning towards his stepsister his face darkened even more and I felt my muscles tensing up.
"I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max."

The girl stared back at him angrily, trying to overshadow her fear. Billy then turned his head to look over at me and my stomach dropped.
"You were in on this? Jeez I really thought you were different."

Max drew his attention back to her by telling him to go away, loudly but her voice was shaking at the same time. I inched closer to the kids to be able to step in just in case, but Lucas looked at me, shaking his head as something in Billys eyes seemed to light up.

"You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me." - "Billy ..." Max said, her voice merely a whisper and her brother quickly turned to Lucas once more.

"I break things." He grabbed the boy by his jacket and everyone started yelling at him to stop, but he only got more riled up and pushed Lucas against a cabinet.

"Billy stop!" I called out, my voice giving up on me already. It couldn't be ...

Shortly after Lucas let out a weak "Get off me." but Billy wouldn't stop. I heard a grunt from behind me and saw Steve holding himself on his feet with the help of the door. Looking at me he only shook his head and I turned back around.

"Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will." He lifted the boy up, pushing him against the cabinet even harder. "You stay away from her. Stay away from her, you hear me?"

Lucas collected all the courage he had and yelled "I SAID GET OFF ME!" before kicking Max' stepbrother in the crotch. Billy stumbled backwards and looked up at Lucas, a growl rising from his throat.

You're dead."

It was then that Steve walked past me, grabbing Billy from behind, turning him around.

"No. You are."

Everything seemed to go in slow motion by now: from the way Steve took a long swing all the way to his fist colliding with Billys face, the bones of his fingers and his jaw cracking.

"STEVE!" Max and me shouted at the same time.

Billy began laughing hysterically as he took a step back to look at my best friend, his voice increasing in volume to a yell. "Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh!" He gestured around widely. "I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about!"

My best friend only looked at him, muttering a silent "Get out." while, almost gently, pushing him away.

There were a few seconds when the only thing I heard was my own heartbeat resonating in my ears, when suddenly Billy lunged at Steve. He however ducked just in time only to punch his opponent yet again.
Billy staggered into the kitchen table as my best friend hit him once more, and once more.

Now he was laughing again, grabbing a plate from the kitchen counter before slamming it onto Steve's head. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up close. "No one ... tells me what to do."

Now it was Steve that was hit in the face, falling to the ground.

"Whoo!" Billy let out a yell that sounded almost victorious as he crouched over my best friend, pulling him onto his back only to continue punching his face repetitively.

I finally broke free of my paralysis and tumbled over to the two, prying at Billys arm in order to get him away from my best friend. In the few seconds that I got his hands away from him I saw how beat up his face already was, how much blood there was, and my stomach turned. Regaining control Billy shoved me to the side and went on hitting Steve; my next attempt to get him away didn't go as successfully.

This time it wasn't slow motion - I just reached out for his arm when suddenly something hit my face one, two times and I fell backwards, the back of my head slamming into the coffee table. There was a ringing sound in my ears as I held onto my nose, feeling the blood run out of it.

Everything was blurry but I did see Max walk up behind her brother, ramming something into his neck. I assumed it was the tranquilizer that was left from earlier. Billy got up, turning around to his sister and pulled out the syringe.

"The hell is this?" He wanted to know, staggering for a bit before falling to the ground as well, giggling yet again. Steve was long unconscious by now.

"From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?" Max asked, holding up Steves baseball bat.

"Screw you," Billy mumbled which caused Max to smash the bat into the ground, just in between his legs. When she pulled the nails back out of the wooden floor she was furious.

"Say you understand! SAY IT!"

"I understand," Billy muttered and his sister held the bat up once again. "What!?"

"I understand," He repeated before passing out.

I saw Max drop the bat and walk over to Billy, but everything got dragged out into long lines of colour as though somebody had poured water onto a freshly painted canvas.

And then there was nothing...

× × ×

A/N: I was gonna say this is the chapter I'm the most proud of so far, but I just recently finished one that I like even more 😏😂
anyhoo- this definitely was one of my favourites to write, although most of the dialogue is just copied from the show😅
also I stopped putting warnings at the beginning of the chapters because I think at this point you'd be able to tell what was gonna come up if you watched the show🤷🏻‍♀️
in the future however I will do that again since I'll be going on until after the end of the show (slightly at least)
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for reading and commenting!💕

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