0.14 » the beginning of the end

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thank you guys for 3k reads!♡
I hope you'll enjoy the new chapter :)

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When I got home that day, the phone had already been ringing when I opened the door. I quickly shut it behind me, throwing my stuff to the ground; Loki came running towards me wagging his tail while I hurried to get to the phone.

"Oh thank God you're there. I'm back home now," Cameron said. "How are you?" - "He was at school yesterday. And later he waited for me at home." - "Did he do anything to you?" His voice had gone serious within a matter of seconds. "...Yes. But I'm okay, really. Just tell me what you wanted to tell me."

I heard him take a few deep breaths before continuing.

"We have someone to take over the case, one of the best, my mom said. I need you to do a few things though, is that alright?" - "Mhm, of course!"

"Alright so ... first of all I need you to go to Hopper and report him. As soon as possible, so they can find him quickly. That should be easy to do I think. The next thing might be a little more difficult but it will ensure you to win the case. Think back at every time someone noticed something was wrong, do you think there are people?" - "Only two. The teacher who asked me about my bruises before I was homeschooled, and yesterday somebody was there when he showed up at Hawkins High," I explained, pondering whether I could ask Billy for even more help after all he had done for me the day before.

"Good," My cousin said, "The next is probably going to be the hardest, possibly draining and if you need help with that you can wait until I'm back there with you. Try to collect as many cases of abuse and assault as you can remember, maybe you have some old diaries that you can go through or something. Okay?" - "Yeah. I think I can manage that. Is that all?"

Cameron laughed. "I think that's more than enough. I'll be back next week I think. If you need anything go to Hopper or someone else at the station, hang in there short stuff." - "You take care as well, yeah? Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up before he could add anything else and sat down on the ground; Loki immediately buried his head in my lap and I drew circles on his back while staring at the couch. All this felt so surreal. It felt as though I'd never left Seattle, yet at the same time everything was so different and somehow even more of a mess.

I picked up the dog leash and made Loki follow me outside and get into the car after having placed some newspapers on the floor.

The dog didn't seem to mind the little drive and as I pulled up to the police station I put on his leash, getting permission to take him inside.

"Just wait in here, I'm sure he's going to be here in no time," The woman who had brought me into his office said, smiling at me. Loki paced around the small room, sniffing everything there was to sniff while I removed my makeup, closing my eyes afterwards.

Just as I was about to fall asleep the door flew open and Hopper and another officer walked in. Jim sat down at his desk, scanning my bruised face worriedly, while the other guy stood behind him awkwardly.

"Miss Lockwood?" Hopper said, indirectly asking me to get to the point right away.
"I would like to report Mister Michael Lockwood in numerous cases of assault," I said, my voice stronger than I had expected it to be. The man behind Jim, who seemed to write down everything I said, looked up.

"When exactly did the last one occur?" He asked, clicking his pen impatiently, making me nervous.
"Yesterday, around 2 in the afternoon," I answered, tugging at my jeans.

"We will have to take a few pictures of your injuries and have you checked by a doctor," Hopper concluded. "We'll send out an APB meanwhile so we can find him as soon as possible."
I nodded, Loki was resting his head on my legs.

"We can't do that without any proof!" The other guy interfered and I rolled my eyes.
"Look at my goddamn face! I ran away from home two years ago because of that asshole and now he has stalked me all the way over to this tiny shithole. You can inspect the massive mental damage he left on me over the last four years of my life as well if you want!"

I stopped myself from talking more and just now realised I had gotten out of my seat, apologising for the outbreak before sitting down again.

"Send out the APB now, okay?" - "Yes," The man said and left the office just before I buried my face in my hands.
"Okay then. The doctor will be here in a bit, then you will get proper medical attention. Is everything alright?"

I shook my head, looking at Hopper. "Yeah of course. I'm great."
"Look, I know how difficult this is for you but-" I interrupted him. "I don't want to talk about it right now. Please."
He nodded, lighting a cigarette while leaning back in his chair.

"We will need to fix up two or three of the cuts on your back and then we're done," The doctor explained, the nurse returning with the tranquilizer just a few moments later, beginning to prepare the small room I was in.

Stitching my back together didn't take as long as I had expected it to, but it was also more painful than I thought so I was only happy once it was over.

"Please come back on Monday for another checkup and you should be good to go. I will hand over all the information to the police station in a minute. In case of further questions feel free to pay me another visit, of course also when something seems odd. Have a nice weekend."

Before I could say anything else they left the room and I sighed, got up and put on my jacket again.
When i returned to the main room of the station Loki ran up to me, barking once before I patted his head.

Saying goodbye to Jim I left the building; the sun was shining and I put on my sunglasses after sliding into my car. The dog sat down next to me, panting, wagging his tail, and I smiled.

"This was the easiest part, you know? This was just the beginning, and it's not gonna be easy."

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