0.30 » confusion

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I put my hair up in a high ponytail, letting some shorter strands hang into my face and applied some mascara. With a smile I noticed how the bruises were barely even visible anymore, and I doubted anyone would pay any attention close enough to even recognise the slight purple tone in some spots.

I slipped past a sleepy Cameron in the hallway as I grabbed my backpack and picked up an apple and a bottle of water from the fridge, letting it slide into the bag.

"Okay, that's the first time I've seen you go to school with your hair not down. And your mood is way too good for- what … seven in the morning." - "I don't have to hide anymore, Cam." I replied, humming. "Also, I got some superb sleep so maybe that's contributing as well."

My cousin shuffled over to the fridge and grabbed some pizza from the night before. "If I didn't know better I'd think you're crushing on somebody."

I snorted. "Look who's talking." - "What's that supposed to mean? … I do not have a crush on Alice!"

Slipping into my leather jacket I picked up the car keys and raised my eyebrows.
"Didn't even mention her," I then said, grinning at him while he just stood there, defeated. The door fell shut behind me and I got into the car, rolling down the window although it was getting pretty cold already.

I had no idea why, but I had woken up with this huge amount of energy and motivation that I frankly hadn't felt ever before. I didn't care if it only lasted for a bit - I was just happy I felt good. For once.

I stopped by the precinct before heading to school, in order to thank Hopper for everything he'd done to help me which he seemed rather surprised by.
When I arrived in the schools parking lot was the first time it felt like things hadn't changed at all - at least for the others. Meanwhile my whole world was feeling different. Maybe it had just taken a while for it all to settle in, and returning to my ordinary daily life made it a little clearer.

"Lucy!" Jonathan called out to me and I spun around to look at him. "Almost thought you bailed on all of us," he commented and I shrugged. "I had some pretty important stuff come up. Family stuff."

Now he nodded, luckily not asking any further questions as he seemed to suddenly be distracted. One look told me that it was Nancy, aka my sign to leave the two lovebirds alone and go look for Steve.
"See you around," I mumbled as I walked away, scanning the parking lot.

"You looking for someone?"

I groaned as I turned around. In front of me stood Tommy H. along with Billy, a bunch of other dudes and Carol plus posse.

"Definitely not any of you," I sighed, continuing to look around.
"Too bad, cause I reckon we still have some stuff to sort out," Tommy said in what I assumed was supposed to be a menacing tone. It sounded more like he had something stuck in his throat.

"Aw come on, are you still pissed because of the damn maths book?"
Crossing his arms in front of his chest he nodded when I finally spotted Steve waving me over to him.

"Well, that's your fault then. Now if you'll excuse me," I pushed through the ridiculously huge group of people and walked over to my best friend, linking arms with him immediately to pull him into the building.

"Okay, what was Tommy on about now?" he wanted to know while I handed him his notebook, opening my locker.
"The maths book." - "Still?" - "I know right?!" - "Man, I'm glad I got away from those people." He stared at the wall for a second before he grinned at me and we walked to class.

The teacher seemed surprised to see me and immediately gave me the dates for the next tests and I tried not to be too obviously annoyed. When I came to the back to sit down I noticed Steve snickering to himself.

GONE GIRL » Billy HargroveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin