0.34 » i kinda like you

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It was silent for a while after our lips parted and I felt so many thoughts and emotions race through me all at once. Billy just stared at me, as though he was waiting for me to say something, but I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just stared back at him.

"You know, …" he then said, "… I kinda like you. Like, a lot."
   I felt a smile tug at my lips. "I like you too, Billy"

My voice was merely a whisper but he heard it, and let out a relieved sigh. Just in that moment Loki came running up to us and barked, and laughed.

"I think somebody wants to go for a walk." - "I'll come too," Billy said and I raised an eyebrow, snorting. "You wanna go for walkies?" - "Not if you call it that."
But at the same time he grabbed his jacket and put it on, handing me mine after I put Loki on his leash.
I headed for the backdoor and Billy followed me, soon walking right next to me as we made our way through the woods.

"So … what made you change your mind so suddenly?" I asked after a while and we stopped, so that the dog could mark a tree in peace.

"What do you mean?" Billy asked and I dug my hands into my pockets. "You know … you sort of went there from not wanting to open up to anyone about anything. Within like barely an hour."
He shrugged and we continued walking.
"You're an exception. I've tried being an ass to you and that hasn't worked so in that moment I just thought might as well risk it all." - "That sounds like you were actually worried about being rejected?"
Now Billy let out a scoff. "Um, yeah? I thought if anything you'd just consider us friends."

Loki trailed slightly in front of us and shortly before reaching the other side, aka the Byers' home, I turned around.

"Anyway that's not the case anymore so …" He grinned at me before throwing an arm around my shoulders while we walked back to the house. It was weird - how things just changed so suddenly. I wasn't sure if I wasn't just going to wake up in my bed and find Loki next to me, go back to school and have Billy and his friends try to bully me again. I squeezed my eyes shut and when I opened them everything was still the same. The dog was trotting in front of us, the cold wind was still rustling through the empty treetops and Billys arm was still around me.

Back at the house I dropped down on the couch and unleashed Loki, while Billy turned on the TV and switched to MTV.
"You know I actually still have to study," I sighed as he plopped down next to me.
"Not now you don't," he said and draped an arm around me, placing my head on his shoulder. "Well alright then …" I mumbled and pulled my legs up onto the couch while the wind kept howling around the house, when suddenly something popped into my head

"Did you seriously walk here last night?" I asked and Billy shrugged. "Guess I did."

Loki jumped up on his feet when the phone started ringing and I groaned, rolling my eyes.
"You're popular today, huh?" Billy chuckled and I pried myself off him, waking over to the phone.

"Lockwood?" I answered and it was silent for a while.
"Lucy, sweetie, it's me. Mommy."
I was more than ready to just slam the phone right back into the handle right then and there, but she continued speaking before I could.

"Look, I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now-" - "Yeah you're right, so why the fuck are you calling me?"
Leaning my shoulder against the wall I heard muffled speaking from the other side of the line before I could hear her clearly again.

"I am so sorry about everything. Honey, I wish things could've gone differently."
I snorted. "Oh, you do now?"

Billy got up from the couch and walked over to me, raising an eyebrow - I waved it off.

GONE GIRL » Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now