0.28 » the trial

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"You're gonna be okay," Steve said for the tenth time while I heaved my suitcase in the back of the taxi; Cameron was sitting inside already.

"Take care of yourself, alright?"
I nodded and wrapped my arms around my best friend as he softly patted my back. "I just wanna get this over with." - "And you'll be back here in no time. Send me a postcard or something." - "Sure." I snorted and gave him a smile, before getting into the car as well. Loki was sitting at Steve's feet, still wagging his tail as we drove off and headed for the airport.

The flight wasn't too eventful - there was a couple with a baby sitting behind us so I didn't manage to get any sleep and Camerons mood had reached a new low.
Upon arriving in Seattle we sat at baggage claim for about an hour until we got everything and headed out to the hotel. That night I barely slept and when I got changed into a blouse and skirt that reached to my knees I felt hot sweat in my neck.

My ears felt clogged when the Bailiff opened the trial and I only stood because everybody else did. After taking a few deep breaths I directed my gaze to the front.

The judge spoke.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this case involves the assault and battery of Miss Lucy Lockwood, allegedly perpetrated by Mister Michael Lockwood. In this case, Lucy Lockwood who is in her senior year of high school is the plaintiff, and Michael Lockwood who was a surgical resident is the defendant."

The two lawyers then proceeded to each make their claims, pointing out certain evidence.

"Plaintiffs lawyer, please call your first witness."

Mrs Wilson walked to the front and turned around to speak to everybody.
"I call Lucy Lockwood to the witness stand."
As I walked to the front my knees were weak, and I tried not to let out a relieved sigh when I sat down and the court reporter spoke to me.

"Raise your right hand." I raised my right hand. "Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" - "Yes," I responded, putting all the courage I could muster into that one word.

"Please state your name." - "Lucy Lockwood."
Trying hard to direct all of my attention towards Miss Wilson I glanced at my father only for a split second.

"Could you describe the very first of the cases of assault claimed?"
I nodded and cleared my throat.
"My father came home late that day, he was drunk and visibly angry. I was in my room, doing homework and he just barged in, flipping over my desk while yelling at me. He slapped me a few times and left again, punching a hole in the wall of the living room."

Mrs Wilson took a breath. "Had he shown aggressive behaviour prior to that day?" - "Yes." - "Do you know what was different that day?" - "He got fired because he was caught being drunk at work several times." - "Lucy. I hand you what is marked as Exhibit #1 and ask if this is your diary entry from said day, November 25th, 1979."

She held up the piece of paper and I nodded. "Yes, it is." - "I move that Exhibit #1 be admitted into evidence."
The judge spoke again. "Exhibit #1 is admitted into evidence."

Mrs Wilson repeated this procedure with another diary entry from the day that one of the teachers saw the bruises on my arms which would be picked up later on, when they called in the teacher. Another piece of evidence were the photos they had taken of my wounds from the most recent incident, and the tape of Billys statement, since he couldn't be here himself.

"Defense Counsel, do you want to cross-examine Miss Lockwood?"
The man got up and walked to the front while Mrs Wilson took a step back.

"Lucy, is it true that you left your home on July 19th, 1981 and fled to your cousins home, who illegally took you in?" - "Objection! The question is irrelevant to the case." Mrs Wilson called out.

"Objection sustained." The judge spoke and I saw my fathers' eyelid twitch slightly. I was surprised, since frankly me running away was connected to all of this ... then again I didn't know a thing about what was going on exactly.

"No further questions, your honor."
The judge excused me and I got up.

"Plaintiff's Counsel, you may call your next witness."
I sat back down in my initial spot as my former teacher was called into the witness stand and questioned - she even mentioned that she tried to get in contact with my parents after they took me out of school, but they never responded.

I zoned out and back in several times until something odd happened. My mother was called into the witness stand and what she said had almost the entire room gasping.

"Miss Lockwood, were you aware of your husband's actions towards your daughter?" Mrs Wilson asked.

"Yes." She said and my eyes grew wide. I didn't expect her to tell the truth - that was just not like her.
"Yet you never informed anybody or tried to stop him?" - "That is true."
Everything after that was a blur and I felt my head spin at all the thoughts that raced through it, until the jurors were sent to deliberate.

I turned around to look at my cousin who seemed just as baffled and Mrs Wilson placed a hand on my arm.

"Be cautiously optimistic, dear. Their lawyer made a few mistakes, frankly I slipped up one time as well, but don't worry about it too much," She informed me.

I took a sip of my water and placed my head in my hands, tired from everything that seemed to be happening so quickly all at once.

We were given the option to leave the room but I was too drained to even get out of my seat, so I stayed and didn't pay much attention to what everybody else did.
I'd looked into both my mother's and father's eyes today and wasn't too keen on it happening again.

It took the jurors a total of one hour and seventeen minutes to come to a conclusion and I felt my stomach drop at the short break before speaking the word "guilty". I felt that I shook hands with Mrs Wilson, and that my cousin pulled me into a hug. I heard that we would be payed money for compensation and that my father would go to jail for three years, and my mother would be under probation.

There was just white noise in my head as we left the building a while later and all headed to Mrs Wilsons home who had invited us over for dinner.

While she went to the kitchen to help her daughter with something I sank against the wall and stared out of the window.

"We … we did it." I whispered and Cameron pulled me into yet another hug. "You did it. It's over."

"Ah, there you are!" Mrs Wilson spoke and I looked up at the woman trailing behind her, who I assumed to be her daughter.
Cameron almost dropped me and stretched out his hand, awkwardly introducing himself and I felt a smile creep up on me. She introduced herself as Alice and I smiled as I shook her hand.

During dinner we all talked a little, although Cameron and Alice took over most of the talking until they eventually figured out they were both incredibly passionate about writing and literature in general. I noticed Mrs Wilson frown slightly. She probably wanted her daughter to be a lawyer as well.

We stayed a while longer until I almost fell asleep while talking about art with Alice, and Cameron decided to call a taxi.

I let myself fall onto the uncomfortable mattress and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

× × ×

A/N: Took long enough, didn't it?
Anyway, small disclaimer and apology I guess, that I have barely any idea about how trials like this go. I did do quite a lot of research, especially regarding the script and formalities, so I hope everything made some sort of sense😅
Also, I'm going to be finally giving the chapters titles other than just the number - So if any weird update notification pops up within the next day, it's from me editing the chapter titled (I don't know if that gives you a notification but I'm just letting you guys know, just in case😊)
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, although the focus was more on Lucy and her own family this time💕

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