0.37 » jealousy

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The entire day Steve seemed distracted, but of course he tried to brush it off and act like it was nothing. I saw the looks he shot Billy though. And I saw the looks that Billy shot back at him.

It started to worry me, especially when I glanced over at them during P.E. They seemed back to their former selves - bickering, only this time Steve seemed to provoke more than Billy did.

I didn't dare asking either of them about it because I was scared it would make the situation even worse.

Friday after school Steve came by my house in order to study, like he said. When he showed up he was looking even more gloomy than usual and after skimming through two pages I slammed my book shut and sat up straight.

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on with you or are just gonna keep me in the dark?" I asked and he sighed, dropping his notes on my bed.
"If this is about Billy-" - "What else would it be about?" He interrupted me and I raised an eyebrow, motioning for him to keep talking.

"You know, this whole … thing. You and him? Can't really say I approve. And now before you kick me out, listen, okay? That guy has physically hurt you before, he k.o-ed you if we're being exact. Hell, a couple weeks ago he was bullying you along with Tommy and friends! It just doesn't make sense to me that all of a sudden he would have emotions? Like he has those, yeah right." Steve let out a scoff and I sighed, massaging the bridge of my nose.
"He understands me! And I understand him, you know, when you really talk to him he's so much more than just an aggressive asshole." - "Oh is he now? Need I remind you of your first impression of him? You said, and I quote: Gross." - "We've had this conversation already, you know?"

Loki came into the room and curled up by the window, Steve started patting his back, still looking at me - waiting.

"Alright, remember when I bolted out of class because my dad showed up and Billy was sent along with me?" He nodded. "I got pretty much slammed me against the lockers, ran off and left Billy there. Now after my dad broke into our house and beat me up I was actually stuck under a bookshelf and had pieces of the glass table stuck in my back and couldn't get out. And you know who showed up?"
My best friend raised an eyebrow.


"I wish. Nah, but Billy did. He helped me up and fixed my back that was all cut open and he listened. He was there." - "Well so could I have been!" - "Thats not the point, Steve."
He threw his arms over his head. "Then what is?"

I sat there, staring at him for a while until I sighed and let my shoulders sink.

"What? Did you sign an NDA or something?" - "I just don't think he'd want me to tell anyone about this." - "Oh so does he have daddy issues too? Is that what this is about?"
I kept my lips pressed together and just had my eyes locked on my hands. I was scared. Scared that he would judge me for the way I felt, scared that he would make me decide, scared that he would leave.

"Lucy, all I'm trying to say is that … you've never been in a proper relationship. You told me before that you wouldn't even call what you and that guy in middle school had a relationship. And I can tell you right now that this one is going be just like that."
He grabbed my hands which caused me to look back at him. "I just don't want you to get any more hurt. I can't tell you what to do and I won't; I don't like it - that much I will say - but it's your decision. And I support you no matter what."

What followed was a bear hug that lasted approximately three minutes and by the time we let go again, I had to quickly wipe the tears off my cheeks and take a few deep breaths.
"So how about dinner?" My best friend then asked, Loki immediately perking up.
"Dinner," I confirmed and we cleaned all our stuff up, heading to the kitchen to figure out what to cook.

The phone began ringing while I was rummaging through the cupboards and Steve's head was in the fridge and I announced to him I would go pick up.
"Hello?" - "Hey it's me!" I heard The Four Horsemen playing in the background and chuckled.
"Billy, what's up?" - "Uh I just wanted to know how you're doing? Still up for tomorrow?" - "Of course."

There was a loud bang in he kitchen that sounded like Steve had just dropped a pot.
"What are you up to?" - "Making dinner."
"Hey uh so how about Spaghetti?!" Steve called over to me and I gave him a thumbs up as he filled the pot with water.
"Was that Harrington?" Billy asked, a bang now coming from his end of the call which I assumed to be him dropping a weight to the floor. "Uhm yeah it was." - "What's he doing at your house?"
I rolled my eyes. "We were studying and now he's making Spaghetti." - "Uh-huh." - "What? Oh god are you jealous?"
He didn't respond for a bit and I raised an eyebrow, grinning.

"I'll come pick you up at nine, alright? Put on something comfortable." - "Sure." - "See ya."
I hung up, shook my head with a grin still on my face.

"Was that Hargrove?" Steve asked and dumped the noodles in the boiling water. I jumped onto the kitchen counter and grabbed the beer bottle he had pulled out of the fridge, taking a sip. "Guessing that's a yes."
It was abnormally quiet all through cooking and even while we were having dinner. I washed the dishes and my friend cleaned them, still not saying a word to me.

"Alright, Steve, please …" Hanging up the towel he turned to me and raised an eyebrow, while I dried off my hands. "Don't make me kick you out, okay?"
His parents were at home celebrating their anniversary and via his own statements Steve did not want to be there and possibly interrupt something. So, like every other year, he was staying at my place.

"Sorry. I just-" - "I know." - "Good … movies?" - "Movies."

While in the beginning we barely talked or even joked about the characters on screen, we soon had gone back to making sarcastic remarks every once in a while, which quickly developed back to us messing around as usual. Somewhere in between the end credits of one film and the opening sequence of another I fell asleep on the floor.


My eyes darted around the room as soon as I had woken up, trying to figure out where I was. Living room. In front of the couch. Right. I still hadn't gotten a new table either.
With a yawn I sat up and stretched, immediately letting out a whimper - sleeping on the wooden floor had probably not been the best idea.

"…Shit." I jumped up and hurried upstairs, quickly showered and changed into some jeans and a sweatshirt. When I got back downstairs Steve was awake as well, rubbing his eyes while I cleaned an apple and started eating, eyeing my friend.

"What?" I asked with a full mouth and he laughed. "What?!"

Steve opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by a car honking outside. I tossed the remains of the apple into the trash, chugged down half a glass of water and gave my friend a hug.

"Look after Loki, alright?" - "You gonna come back or …?" - "Of course."
I hurried to grab my jacket and wallet and jogged towards Billy, who was leaning on the side of his car.

"Good morning beautiful," he cooed and I couldn't help but blush slightly, while he caught a glance of something behind me. I could only see Steve in my doorway for a split second, before Billy placed his hands on my hips and practically crashed his lips into mine, pulling my body closer to his.
The sound of the door closing distantly reached my ears just as I was starting to get light headed. He then slowly let go of me again and nodded towards the passengers seat.

"Let's get out of here."

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