0.11 » nightmare

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tw!blood mention

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I spent the rest of the day sitting outside at the back of the house, playing fetch with Loki, just to make up for the fact that I didn't really feel like going on a walk just yet. I had turned on the TV in the living room, just to have some sort of background noise aside from the few birds chirping up in the bare trees.

When Loki came back from somewhere behind the garage, dropping the wooden stick into my lap, the phone began ringing. With a dragged out sigh I got out of the chair, patting my leg to signify him to follow me.

I let the phone ring once more before I picked up, remaining silent.

"Luce? It's me, Steve. Are you there? Is everything okay?"

I felt relief flood through me when I heard my best friends voice. "Not really. He sort of waited for me at home and beat me up. But my cousin left a police dog here before he went back home and he scared my father away," I quickly explained, knowingly leaving out the part about him trying to kill me.

"Shit. That fucker. Do you want me to come over?" He asked, and I imagined him pacing through the living room, running his hand through his hair. Like a lost puppy. I almost smiled at the thought.

"I'm alright, don't worry. You wanted to get some stuff done anyway, right?" - "Yeah but that was before that asshole turned up. If you want I'll bring some movies and pick up some pizza and we can have a sleepover? That way you won't have to be alone."

As much as I wanted to refuse, knowing that at some point in the middle of the night I would break down once the shock had settled in completely, and that really wasn't a fun experience. Then again, maybe having someone here would be helpful. Or it wouldn't. Maybe I could just draw all night long.

"Look ... honestly that sounds great but I'm pretty sure I have a concussion so I guess movie night isn't the smartest thing to do. I should probably just catch up on the sleep I didn't get the last couple days," I explained, giving Loki a treat for calmly sitting there and waiting.

"Oh ... Okay then. Are you sure?" - "Yeah. Everything alright with you?" I heard him scoff. "You were literally just beaten up by your dad and you're asking ME if I'm okay?" - "Well, are you?"

It was quiet for a bit. "Just thinking too much," Steve then said, letting out a sigh.
"You need to talk?" I offered, leaning my shoulder against the wall. "I guess I'll think a little longer and maybe get back to you tomorrow."

"Alright then. I'll see you at school," I said and wanted to hang up, when he stopped me. "You're gonna come back?" - "I think so. Being around other people is probably the safest I can be; he wouldn't be dumb enough to attack me when there's other adults lurking around everywhere."

"Yeah that makes sense. I'll see you tomorrow then. Sweet dreams," He said, and I could make out a slight chuckle in his voice. "You too, and don't think too much."
I hung up, patting Lokis head before heading towards the kitchen to make myself some dinner. I wasn't exactly hungry but I knew I needed to eat at least something.

A tiny serving of bacon and eggs later I went outside again, playing with Loki for a little longer, until it was too cold even in the parka I had put on. The dog himself seemed to be a little tired, so we went back inside, I quickly showered, renewing the band aids on my back.

"Been an exciting day, huh?" I said to Loki while walking back over to the phone, calling Hopper just to inform him about today's events.

He of course insisted I should go see a doctor, but with some whining I convinced him to leave me at home and let Cameron and his parents handle the official business.

Once I was all cuddled up in my blankets and several pillows, Loki laying down next to me, eyes barely open anymore, everything poured down on me.

The one person I had tried to get away from and succeeded for such a long time had now found me. And he had hurt me. He even intended on killing me if there was no other option.

Closing my eyes I buried my face in the pillows, trying to make sense of what had happened.

I was used to horrible things when it came to my father, but him saying he would kill me if he had to really did surprise me. Would he actually have the guts to pull the trigger? He didn't hesitate to fire bullets at Loki. I didn't know what I would have done if he hurt Loki.

Images started rushing through my mind. Steve, blood running out of his mouth and a hole in his chest.

Next to him Jonathan, dead as well.

Cameron, dead.

Hopper, dead.

Billy, dead.

My father towering over their corpses, glancing at me with a grin so purely evil it made me want to vomit.

I opened my eyes wide, tears streaming down my face.

Why did things always have to end up like this? I wasn't even asleep yet everything was a nightmare. Everything had changed so suddenly. One moment I was happily having breakfast, and the next thing I knew was this numb feeling inside my chest when Hopper told me my father had been seen.

Everything, all the rage and hate and sadness seemed to rush into my conscience all at once.

I clawed into the pillow, crying out loud.
Burying my head once again I let out a long scream.

I screamed until my throat was sore.

I screamed until there were no tears left.

And then, much later that night, I drifted into a deep sleep without any dreams.

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