0.15 » pizza

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I returned home late that day, after going on a long walk with Loki, bumping into Mrs Henderson who accused my dog of having eaten her cat Mews. She seemed extremely lost so I offered her my help which she rejected, but she left me alone after I assured her Loki had been inside most of the day anyways.

I hoped nothing had happened to that cute little fluff ball. She was so worried about her cat she didn't even notice what happened to my face, fortunately.

"About time you show up. I was almost worried," Someone said and I jumped when I noticed the shadowy figure on the front porch. Loki only started wagging his tail and once I got closer I recognised Billys face.

"Don't ask, I don't really know why I'm here either," He said before I could even open my mouth. "But I brought pizza."

Holding up said pizza he grinned and I let out a laugh, unlocking the door. Loki almost immediately jumped towards his food bowl and I quickly gave him something to eat, before throwing my jacket onto the couch. I would have to remember to go get a new coffee table at some point.

Stretching my arms I walked over to the kitchen, getting two cans of soda. When I got back to the living room Billy had set down the pizza on a chair which he had pulled over to the couch.

I dropped down next to him, handing him one of the soda cans.

"I know you'd prefer beer but I don't have any of that here at the moment," I explained, opening my own drink before taking a sip.

"No worries, I only get drunk to be able to endure the stupidity of everyone around me," He said, winking at me before grabbing a slice of pizza and I rolled my eyes yet again. "Anyway I saw your car in front of the police station when I brought Max to the Arcade earlier..."

I nodded, taking a bite of the pizza as well. "I um ... reported my father. They made me see a doctor and took photos and everything." Now Billy nodded and opened his soda. "So you're going to get this settled officially now, I see. You don't seem too calm or happy though." - "Well I guess ... it's a bit more complicated than that."
Trying to brush it off I finished off on the slice without saying anything else. Billy cleared his throat.

"If you need a witness, I'd be more than willing to help you, just so you know," He said, staring over at Loki.
"... Thank you."

I turned on the TV and switched over to MTV just to have some sort of background noise while we ate in silence. It was weird. I myself did have a mask for whenever I left the house but it wasn't so extremely different from my usual self. Then again I wasn't too sure about who I really was either. Why did everything always have to be so awfully complicated and confusing?

"Anyway ... I never asked you what you do in your free time," Billy said, looking back at me. I furrowed my brows. "Well, frankly I never asked either."

Loki jumped up on the couch with us and curled himself up next to me as I crossed my legs.

"I know you draw a lot, at least you do that in class. Is that something you wanna do later on?" Now I nodded, adding "Not something that is easily accepted in a family of doctors and lawyers. Same with Cameron, he wants to be a writer. I guess we're the two outcasts of our family."

Billy laughed. "But that's cool. I mean not going along with what everyone else wants you to do, because you want something else. That's brave." - "It's not brave. If anything it's naive because as fun as it is, it isn't very secure unless you find some loyal clients," I explained, patting Lokis back.

"So you're already making money?" Billy asked and I turned down the TV volume a bit.
"Sort of. I sell my art to collectors if they want it, I design characters for writers or I participate in visual novels. Just whatever. Well ... what do you do?"

He seemed to think for a while.
"I work out a lot, I listen to music a lot. Guess that's much less interesting, I'm not really talented in the creative realm. Things were much better back in Cali anyways." Scratching the back of his head awkwardly he leaned back, taking in another swig of soda.

"You're not really a friend of this whole patchwork thing your dad wants to work out so badly, are you?" - "Exactly. I'm just waiting for graduation and then I'm getting out of here. Why'd you come to Hawkins by the way, out of all places available?"

I sat up straight and Loki adjusted, his head now resting on my legs. "It's a tiny ass shithole that nobody would normally expect someone to run away to. But in hindsight I guess the anonymity of a big city would have been a better hiding spot ... Okay this is gonna sound ridiculous, but I've come to quite like this place. It felt like a safe haven until- well you know." Vaguely gesturing towards the room I shrugged, shaking my head. Not even the whole issue with Hawkins Lab could make me feel unsafe here, it was more of a general danger and there were not as many annoying emotions attached to it. Just thinking about having to go through my old diaries caused my stomach to twitch.

"Are you alright here? You know, all by yourself ...", He asked, standing up.
I nodded. "I am, don't worry about it."


I got up as well, accompanying him to the porch, where I stared up at the sky. It was almost full moon.

As a kid I'd always sneak out of my room late at night after everyone else had gone to sleep or left for work. I'd go up to the small library which had a giant glass wall, and like that I'd sit there and draw pictures of the moon until I fell asleep on the heap of pillows.

Smiling, I shook my head. That was a long time ago. It almost felt like a lifetime.

"So I'll um ... head home then," Billy said and I looked up.
"Ah yeah sure. Thanks for being here."

"I actually quite enjoyed our little talk, definitely worth cancelling that date." He grinned smugly after seeing me smile as well.

"Well let's hope said date isn't too angry at you." - "So what."

× × ×

A/N: Just wanted to thank everyone for reading and I really hope you guys are enjoying it so far♡ I actually have a lot planned for this fanfic in the future, although for now I'll probably put it on hold, because starting next week I have my finals and I'm pretty sure that I won't have much time to write anything. It'll be a break of like five weeks at maximum though, I still have two chapters ready to post but I'd like to have a bit of a head start :)
Thanks for understanding, I'll be back soon!♡
- Lu

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