0.25 » that bad?

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The front door opened, startling me, which caused me to drop the book I'd currently been holding. Cameron waved at me, the woman behind him looked around with a confused expression - when she looked at me however she gave me a forced smile.

"Lucy, pleased to meet you! My name is Lainey Wilson, I will be taking over the case revolving around your father."

Shaking her hand I forced myself to smile as well and slowly nodded. "Nice to meet you."
I only now noticed the two police officers trailing behind the two of them.

"So," she walked in front of me, gesturing towards the room while Cameron sat down next to me, taking my hand. "This is where he threatened to shoot you?"

Getting right to the point, huh? I thought and almost chuckled at that, stopping myself at the last second.

"Yes, exactly." - "Could you maybe, if you don't mind, give me a general idea of how this went down? The more I know about it the better I, and the police of course, can analyse and use the facts in your favour."

I nodded again, letting go of Cameron's hand in order to get up.

"I left school early because I had seen him there, we actually had a run-in and he threatened me there as well but I don't know-" - "Just tell me everything that went down in here, first." Mrs Wilson interrupted me, opened up a notebook and clicked her pen, now giving me an actual, reassuring smile.

"Alright so ..." I walked over to the bookshelves. "I came in here, calling out Cameron's name because I didn't know he'd left already. My father was standing right about where you are right now, Mrs Wilson-" She jotted down everything I said before giving me confirming nod, the police officers walked around the living room the entire time. "He'd seen Cams note for me which gave away the hiding spot of his pistol, so I assume he took it from there. I told him to get out but he only started walking towards me, really slowly."

My heartbeat started to speed up.

"He demanded I'd come back home with him. When I said that he wasn't my father, you know, that I wouldn't consider him a father figure, he slapped me. I pushed him, making him fall over which broke the coffee table. Then I wanted to run back to the hallway - I had a knife in my jacket - but he grabbed my ankle and pulled himself back up, just to punch me in he face a couple times. That's when he pulled out the gun. He held it up in my direction. He released the safety catch and told me that either I would come back home with him or he would shoot me." - "Is that what he said?" One of the officers asked and I sighed.

"Well he said ... he said: Either you come back home with me, or it all ends right here and now."

I stared at the carpet for a few seconds when my cousin cleared his throat. "And Then?" Mrs Wilson asked.

"Then the dog came in. I didn't notice at first, I only saw that my dad was aiming somewhere else all of a sudden. He stumbled backwards, and when he ran away one of the bookshelves fell over, pinning me to the ground. Then I passed out."

For a while the pens against paper were the only sounds and I took a deep breath, sitting back down as the room started spinning again.

"Did you have any help, getting back up?" - "Yes. Shortly after I woke up a friend from school showed up and helped me. He'd also been there when my father threatened me at school."

Billy did offer to testify against my father but I wasn't too sure if I could even ask something like that of him right now.

"And does that friend have a name?" The other police officer who had been quiet the entire time asked.

"Lucy?" Cameron nudged me with his elbow and I snapped out of my thoughts again. "His name is Billy Hargrove." -
"Thank you. We will talk to him soon, to see what he has to say."

My cousin nodded, seemingly happy with how things were going and I furrowed my brows - I had absolutely no idea how something like this was supposed to unfold.

The two officers then proceeded to explain they would head over to the precinct to talk to my father after talking to Billy and I just nodded, like I always did, and forced a smile when they left the house.

Cameron let out a deep sigh and scurried to the kitchen, rummaging around in some of the drawers, while I got back to the diaries.

That was precisely what the rest of that week looked like - my cousin walking around the house nervously while I had breakdown after breakdown, locked away in my room. Not wanting to burden anyone with my whining I had decided to just shut myself off for a bit and Cameron accepted that.

Friday morning he knocked on my door, I quickly tried to arrange my hair properly, and he stuck his head into my room.

"Just wanted to let you know the trial will be in Seattle-," - "Which means we'll have to go there?" I interrupted and he gave me nod, I shrugged and turned back to my notes.

"Also there's someone at the door for you."
With that he left my room again, I raised an eyebrow and put on one of my oversized hoodies - grabbing a hairtie on the way out I sighed and jumped down the stairs.

Cameron was sitting in the kitchen with his typewriter so I skipped over to the front door, opening it with a bit too much strength, holding up my hair with the other hand.


I stopped my energetic outbreak to step outside of the house and close the door behind me, finishing off my ponytail quickly before saying anything.

"Hi ..."

"I uh ... I got the homework and stuff for you. You know, the stuff you missed this week." Billy said, holding up a folder with my name on it. He made a folder for me? Okay, what the hell?

"Thank you ... ?" - "What? I can't be nice?"
Shaking my head I held up my hands in defense.

"That's not what I meant, I just ... I dunno ..." - "You didn't expect to see me on your porch again after the situation the last time I stood right here," He stated, which caused me to shake my head again.

"What is it then?"
"I've just been shutting myself out from everything lately, so I kinda suck at saying what's going on in my head. Because right now that's a lot."

Billy bent his head to the side, examining my face.
"That bad?" I asked, at which he shrugged.

"You look like you could use a day off."
Crossing my arms in front of my chest I let out a huff; Billy smiled.

"How about I pick you up tomorrow and we just go someplace nice?"

× × ×

A/N: It's getting interesting, huh? lol
I thought it was about time this whole situation changed a little so here we go😊
Also, I did write a bunch of chapters over the last couple days but I've also been having a really bad headache for a while because I pulled a muscle in my neck - things I never knew could happen tbh😂 So if anything in the future chapters doesn't make a lot of sense just let me know🙈
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading the new chapter❤

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