0.22 » it'll be okay

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I barely slept that night, even after stuffing the gun under my pillow, leaving the lights on and Loki laying down next to me. There was a small moment when the lights seemed to grow stronger and stronger until they were almost blinding me - and it was over just as quickly as it had begun. I wanted to think that it had something to do with El closing the gate.

After reading for a bit and staring out of the window some more I finally fell asleep for a while, until a loud thumping noise from downstairs woke Loki and me up.

I reached for the gun, Loki having bolted out of the door already and I heard him sprint down the wooden stairs. With a deep sigh I got out of bed, holding up the handgun close to my chest, slowly making my way to the living room.


Dropping the handgun to the floor I ran over to my cousin and he caught me in his arms, lifting me up into the air, slowly swaying from side to side.

"I thought you were still with your parents?" I asked after he set me back on my own feet.

"Want me to leave again?" He chuckled and I shook my head. "You look awful," He added with a more serious tone and I rolled my eyes. "Thanks I've missed you too."

Cameron held up his hands in a protective manner while Loki was still happily wagging his tail. "No seriously. What else happened? Those are fresh cuts on your cheeks. Who do I have to decapitate?"
"It's nothing really," I replied, patting Lokis head. "You sure?" - "Yeah, I'm sure," I insisted.

I headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, while my cousin went to pick up the gun and place it behind some books in the shelf that I had been buried under just a few days ago.

"Get started on your diaries yet?" He asked and I shook my head no again. "That's kind of the one thing I've been avoiding as much as possible to be honest." - "Yeah well that makes sense. If you want I can help you going through them and-"

I cut him off, waving the knife around I'd been chopping strawberries with. "I'll do this by myself, don't worry." - "Whatever you say."

After flipping one of the pancakes I turned back around to face him. "Though I could probably use some hugs." - "I think I can arrange that," Cameron laughed, and I laughed as well.

We had breakfast and he told me about the lawyer who would take over the case, then continued to complain about people's driving manners.

"So that guy just cuts me off for the third time! Can you believe that?! Jeez next time I'm taking the train or something ... Stop laughing, this is serious!"

I took a sip of my coffee, smiling up at my cousin, just happy to have him back in the house.

"Anything exciting happen while I was gone?" He then asked and I shrugged. "Mrs. Henderson's cat disappeared and she accused Loki of having eaten her." - "Wow that woman really is ... special." - "Aren't we all?" - "What's that supposed to mean?" He exclaimed as he took a big bite, followed by a swig of his coffee.

"Just saying."

Then the phone rang.

And we both fell silent - our laughter subsided.

Cameron got out of his chair and walked over to the telephone with four long steps. Looking over this shoulder once more he picked up. "Lockwood?"

"Mhm ... u-huh ... okay. Thank you. Yes. We will. Goodbye."

When he turned back around and slumped down into the chair opposite me I looked at him with big eyes.

"That was Hopper." - "What'd he say?"

"They got him."

I dropped my fork.
"They want you to come down to the precinct later today to identify him, you know, officially."

Nodding my head I leaned back in my chair, staring at my cousin for a bit, until he began to shuffle around, cleaning up the table. I kept staring at the now empty spot.

He was behind bars. For now at least.

Now there really was no escaping it. I'd have to come face to face with everything that happened in the past. I'd have to think back to everything I'd been trying so hard to forget those past two years.

I was still staring at the empty chair when Cameron's voice brought me back to reality.
"I'm calling you in sick at school for the week." - "But it's just Monday?" - "Yeah, I know? I'm not letting you go to school now. Not with everything you have to do and not with your face completely busted."

"... Thanks, Cam."

He grinned at me, ruffling my hair as he walked past me. I went upstairs to get dressed and stood in front of the mirror for a good while, examining my own face for the first time since the incident last night.

Like Cameron had said there were a few fresh cuts on my right cheek, but they weren't too deep so they wouldn't need to be stitched up fortunately. There was some dry blood left on my lips which I hurriedly washed away. I could see a smaller blue and black bruise forming just above my left eye, which was where I assumed Billys elbow hit me the first time.

"Hey I'm going to the store later, want me to drop you off at the police station?" Cameron asked while I was patching up the cuts a little.

"That'd be great." I said as he walked up behind me, starting to cover up the newer bruises with concealer.
"The Secretary wants me to tell you to get well soon~"
I hummed in response as he put down the makeup and nodded contently.

"Guess I'm gonna get started on those diaries when I'm back here," I said and Cameron sighed. "It's gonna be fine. It'll be hard but eventually it's going to be okay." -

"I hope so."

× × ×

A/N: Cameron is back! yay
I thought it's been quite a while since those two had a proper chapter to show how much of a great bond they have (I'll be honest for a moment here I'm living vicariously through their relationship because I always wanted a big brother like that. although he's her cousin but at this point he's more like a brother anyway. does this make any sense?😂😂)
anyhoo~ thank you guys again so much for reading and commenting!❤ I hope you enjoyed the new chapter♡
also, I added some face claims to the foreword for two characters that will be introduced in future chapters😉

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