Chapter 22- Safe & Sound

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My feet pound the ground as I run out of the lodge. Each slam against the earth reverberates through my body and jars my soul. My heavy breaths squeeze my lungs as I push myself faster, trying to outrun the memories that threaten to overtake my mind. Over the rushing wind and pounding pulse in my ears, I hear Danny calling my name. The bitter evening air bites at my skin as I continue to run towards the lake. My feet meet the dock and I run out to the end before collapsing to my knees. A sob emits from my lips as I wrap my arms around my body in an effort to hold myself together.

"Evie," Danny whispers behind me.

I am thankful he doesn't try to touch me. At this moment, I do not think I could accept his comfort.

"Oh, Danny," I cry. "Why did you leave me?" Finding the strength to face him and the question that has haunted me for years, I turn and look my brother in the eye. "Why?" I ask again.

Danny's eyes flood with emotion as he steps closer to me, "You ask that like I had a fucking choice, Evie. I was thirteen years old." He slowly walks to the edge of the dock and sits down next to me. He and I both sit and stare at the lake. The waning moon's reflection glitters off the surface of the water and the stars sparkle in the cloudless sky, reminding the world that they know all of our secrets.

Filling his lungs with the cool mountain air, Danny breaks his silence, "We went to town with momma to pick up supplies for Hank. She dropped us off at the library. You went straight in to search for some book you were excited to read," his eyes stare off as if the memory is playing in his mind, "I was standing outside talking to a couple of girls when momma walked up with Uncle Charlie. She told me that I needed to leave with him and asked where you were. She was heading to the library to get you when a couple of Hank's buddies showed up," taking another deep breath, he continues. "Then, everything happened so quickly. Uncle Charlie grabbed my arm and we ran. He pulled me into a truck with Uncle Chet and took off. I screamed and cried for you and momma," Danny rubs his eyes with his palms as he moans, "I knew, Evie. I knew what leaving meant for you. I knew what that bastard would do to you."

When he turns his face in my direction, my chest tightens with emotion.

Danny leans towards me and grabs my hands, "You were never meant to be left. That wasn't the plan. Hank was having momma followed. The guys had weapons. But, when we got back here, our uncles and Jack made a plan to come get you. I went with them to lead them to the homestead. When we showed up, you guys were gone. Hank had packed y'all up overnight and hightailed it out of there. He even left a fucking note, 'You'll never get them back.' The asshole."

My mind reels with the new information.

"I don't remember moving," I begin, clearing my throat. "I remember waking up in a different place. But, the night before," I look down towards the water, "The night before, Hank knocked me out with his boot. I woke up and couldn't remember where you were or why we moved. Now I know." Looking back at my brother, I sense the guilt he has felt over the years. "I'm so sorry, Danny."

Barking out a tearful laugh, he looks at me, "Why the hell are you sorry? You did nothing wrong."

Sighing, I look him in the eye and confess, "I was kinda angry at you. Part of me wondered if you had just left. We had talked about running away and I thought maybe you had without me." My breath staggers as I continue, "I missed you so much. The darkest days, I wanted you there. I feel guilty for wanting that. Especially since you were here. This place is so good. I am incredibly thankful that you got away when you did. I'll never be able to thank Uncle Charlie enough because had you stayed, I know Hank would have killed you. I remember the belt...your back."

"Let's not talk about that, sis," Danny interjects. 

"Okay. We don't have to. I just," I squeeze his beautifully inked hand, "I just need you to know how much I love you. How you can always talk to me...about anything."

Smiling, Danny looks at me with wonder in his eyes, "How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You've been through hell. How do you smile, laugh, and continue on as if none of it happened?"

"I don't think I continue on as if those things didn't happen, Dan. Some scars never fade. I still have nightmares. I still have this deep-rooted fear that Hank may find me. I guess I choose to focus on the good. The blessings in my life. My brother, family, and new friends."

I look up at the twinkling constellations, "Stars can't shine without darkness and the darker the night, the brighter they shine." I smile.

"You're the brightest star I know, sis."

Laughing I clarify, "What I mean is that we appreciate the beauty of life when we experience the ugly. Look at your tattoos. Why did you get them?"

"To remember the good and disguise the bad."

"But in disguising the bad you've created something beautiful. You may still feel the scars itching beneath the ink, but you took something negative and created art."

"No one sees me the way you do, sis."

"That's not true. That home back there is filled with people who see you exactly like I do. Especially your best friend."

Rolling his eyes, Danny looks at me, "Come on," he says as he stands up. "You're cold. Let's get back inside before my best friend has a meltdown."

"Meltdown?" I ask.

"He was coming out here too. Jack stopped him. Guess he knew we needed to talk."

He reaches down for my hand and helps me stand. Hand in hand, we walk back to the lodge. Looking up at the logged building, I see how it glows. In the shadow of the mountains, the lodge illuminates our path, like a beacon calling us home after a long journey.

"We're home now, Evie," Danny says, lifting my hand and kissing my knuckles.

"Home," I echo.

Safe and sound.

Safe and sound

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