Chapter 53- Like a River

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How do we fall in love
Harder than a bullet could hit ya?
How do we fall apart
Faster than a hair pin trigger?


"Give it up, mutt!" The vampire's words mingle with his metallic breath; the combination assaults me as his fingers entangle in my fur pinning me to a tree. I growl, gnash my teeth, and dig into him with my claws trying to break free. "Pathetic," he sneers, tossing me through the air. My body collides with the earth, jarring the air from my lungs upon impact.

I got your back, Z! Dad's voice registers in my head as he attacks the vampire. The two spar while my pack mates fight the other monsters. I got the vamp, go help your mother.

Clamoring to my paws, I race toward mom. My peripheral vision becomes a blur of fireballs and magic as I run past my pack in the midst of battle. The Devil Claws have joined the fight and one of them has mom cowering, her tail tucked submissively between her legs. Launching myself on the back of the cat, I sink my canines into it's flesh until a warm pool of blood enters my mouth and the thumping of its heart ceases.

Releasing my hold on the cougar, I step toward mom as a loud yelp resounds through the blood-soaked air.


The unmistakable cry of our alpha hits me like an arrow piercing my heart.

Mom and I run side-by-side until we find dad motionless, lying on the ground near the base of a giant oak tree. He's still breathing, but it's obvious something is terribly wrong.

Peering at me through cold, red eyes the vampire drones, "Like I said—pathetic."

Growling and baring my teeth, I sprint forward ...

A bright, burst of light forces my eyes to close, faltering my steps. An intense ringing in my ears drowns out the carnage all around me. Within seconds, the sibilant sound is gone and I'm left in a vacuum of silence.

Peeking through my eyelids, I find that the world around me has transformed. I am no longer outside in the midst of a battle. Lifting my arms, I stare at my human hands with confusion. I've been shifted back.

Standing, I take in my attire and surroundings — a blank, white chasm. The floors, walls, and ceiling all blend together forming the illusion of an oblivious void. If not for gravity, it's as if I would float forever into the desolate abyss.

"What the hell?" I mumble out loud.

"Not 'hell'," a small voice sounds from behind me. Whipping around, I find the doll-like pixie. Her lavender eyes sparkle with amusement. "And before you ask," she continues, "not 'heaven' either."

Without hesitation, I force my wolf to break free ... without success. Furrowing my brows, I attempt to shift once more.

"You're wasting your time, Wolf. And mine too." Stepping forward, her delicate skin shimmers with a semi-translucent glow. "You can't do that here."

My hands fold into fists and pulsate with rage. "Where have you taken me?"

Scoffing, she begins to stroll around the space. "So ungrateful. You do realize that I saved you, right? Claudius was seconds away from ripping you to shreds."

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