Chapter 42-Momma

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You can't go home again.
-Thomas Wolfe


Our group navigates the back roads of Black Mountain in a two SUV convoy. I am sandwiched between my mate and my brother as we ride in the first vehicle with Jack and Bev. Following us is Uncle Charlie, Micah, Mason, and the girls minus one gothic seer.

"I wonder why Seri stayed behind," I ponder out loud. "Wait," I say as I jerk my head towards the vehicle bouncing behind us. "Trent's not here either. Why didn't he come?"

Zeke squeezes my hand, "Trent stayed behind to...clean up my mess."

My eyes widen with understanding, "Oh. Well, that was...nice of him."

Danny's shoulders shake with laughter, "That's part of Trent's duties within the pack. He came to White River as a rogue and picked up many talents before he joined our pack."

"Rogue? Like, packless?"

Jack moves in the driver seat and our eyes meet in the rear view mirror, "That's correct, sweetheart. Trent came to us after his former pack was...destroyed. He lived as a rogue for a few years before he stumbled upon our pack."

"Destroyed how?"

The air becomes thick with emotion as Bev turns and looks at me, "That's his story to tell, sweetie." Nodding in understanding, I concentrate on the task at hand.

The scenery, although more bleak and barren since I left, has remained unchanged. I direct Jack through the windy, unmarked roads as we make our way to momma. A charged excitement rattles inside my chest. Eager to finally get my mother out of the hellhole she lives in, I lean forward and position my upper half between Bev and Jack.

"Bev," I murmur.

She turns to me, "Yes, sweetheart?"

Gulping down the emotion that threatens to break free, "Can we sever the bond between momma and Hank? I've heard people say there's no way, but...there has to be. Right?"

She lovingly takes one of my hands in hers, "I don't want to get your hopes up, Evie."

My heart skips a beat, "But, you think there's a way?"

She takes a deep breath, "I have a difficult time believing that Hank is your mom's true mate."

Confused I recline a little, "Can two shifters bond if they're not truly mated?"

Shrugging her shoulders, "I know of shifters who have fallen in love with someone who is not their true mate and bonded with them. The bonding ceremony would invoke similar powers as a true mate bond, however, it would be less powerful."

I take a few seconds to digest what she has said, "So, what do you think would fix it?"

"I honestly don't know. Except..."

"Except what?" I ask, leaning forward with anticipation.

Bev glances at Jack before she offers, "Except, I sometimes wonder if her bonding with her true mate would overrule her bond to Hank. But, I don't know. She was adamant that he was her true mate. I'm sorry, Evie. I wish I had more answers for you."

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