What Am I To You

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"Settle down!"

Sighing loudly, the teacher gripped her temple and waited for the bell to ring. The classroom was filled with echoes of children's chattering as they continued to play around with the remaining minutes of lunch time in hand.

"[Y/N], let's sit over here."

Jungkook took your wrist and sat down with you already, eyeing the children that were still starting to settle down as well. The teacher looked stressed for the day, walking over to the classroom's cabinet to get the boxes of used crayons and paper. Looking over to Jungkook, you saw how he noticed too; and that's probably why he chose to settle down already. His eyes were very investigative while scanning his surroundings, taking into account people's emotions. Continuing to ponder on about it, you praised Jungkook in your head for being considerate as always.

"Okay, it's time to draw and color! For today's task, we shall draw what we have been dreaming of!" the teacher exclaimed while plastering a smile on her face.

The teacher proceeded to pass the boxes of crayons and packs of paper for the numerous children. Receiving the paper and crayons, you closed your eyes for a while to picture what you were exactly going to draw. Your eyes beamed as you opened them, getting a crayon to sketch out your dream.

"Any dream..." the teacher trailed off as she walked around to check on the numerous children present in the small classroom.

Smiling to yourself, you opted to continue to draw; however, you felt wary and so, you stopped momentarily. You felt a strong gaze on you that had you anxious and confused at the same time. Having the slightest suspicion of the person staring at you, you looked up and caught Jungkook nonchalantly looking at you with a focused gaze. The moment your gaze met his, his eyes widened in pure shock  but he flashed you one of his smiles in an instant.

"What are you drawing?" he asked, glancing down at your paper and pretending that he wasn't completely staring.

Swayed by Jungkook's question, you had one of the dazzling smiles that he has ever seen on you for a while. You proceeded to show him your unfinished drawing, leaning a little forward when he did the same since he was sitting across you.

"I am drawing my future parents because you know... it has been my dream to get adopted." you half-shrugged your shoulders as you finished explaining and attempted to steal a glance at what Jungkook was drawing.

"Don't look yet!" he exclaimed, flipping his paper and slamming it on the table.

Jungkook earned looks from the class due to the loud sound he made, sheepishly bowing his head down and sinking on his seat. Taken aback, you only stared at him once more before proceeding to finish your drawing. For the time being, you stole glances at Jungkook; seeing his eyebrows scrunched down as he was totally focused at drawing too. Because of that, you became curious of what his dream was.

"What are you draw—"

Your sentence was cut-off when you leaned and glanced at Jungkook's paper. Eyes widening, your mouth fell a little open when you saw Jungkook's drawing. Just like you, he drew the sky but in your eyes, it looked way better than yours. You noticed that he also drew a house that was much bigger than what you drew with vibrant colors ebbing out of his paper. However, it wasn't entirely because of his drawing style but the people he drew— the dream he drew.

Instead of seeing a family of three like yours, you saw Jungkook beside you on his drawing. Both of you stood outside the big house that Jungkook drew with smiles on your faces. Feeling a little shocked and flattered, you glanced up to see Jungkook smiling down at his drawing then smiling up at you.

"My dream is to be with you, [Y/N]. You're my family and, even if we grow up, I want to be with you." he stated happily, laughing a little at the end with his eyes twinkling in so much delight.

Grinning foolishly at Jungkook, you could not help but feel really loved and special. You were so glad that you had him as a best friend and you could not help but express your thoughts. Even though living in the orphanage was really tough, having Jungkook by your side made things easier.

"I'm so happy for having the best best best friend ever!" you exclaimed to him in a cheery tone, giggling.

Jungkook grinned at you, feeling touched and pleased but he grew shy when seconds passed by. His cheeks started to have the slightest color of pink as he stared at you and repeated the words that you uttered in his head. Even when you went back to coloring, he could not stop smiling at you and at his drawing; feeling joyous as he imagined a future out of the orphanage with you. And as seconds turned into minutes of him spacing off, he felt weird.

Jungkook stared at you once more, his eyebrows furrowing while at it. He was not void of the knowledge about having a crush since most of the children in the orphanage had experienced such puppy love and has witnessed romance in Disney movies. However, Jungkook has never had a crush before and it was weird because he was starting to think that you, his best friend, was his first ever crush. Heck, he never even thought about having a crush since all he cared about was playing around with you; but why did his brain automatically assume that he indeed has a crush on you?

"Hey." you said, clicking your fingers in front of him.

Jolting a little and eyes popping out of their sockets, Jungkook met your gaze. You tilted your head to the side, frowning a little at your best friend.

"Are you okay?" you asked in pure concern as Jungkook nodded his head.

You found his surprised expression comedic, therefore making you snicker and giggle a little at him. Jungkook smiled a little, snickering too as he shook his head to clear his mind and go back to adding more colors to his artwork.

While at it, the thoughts of what you really are to him remained in his head; his eyes softening and lips curling into a tiny smile.

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