It's Trouble Time

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Chapter 10: Its trouble time

She was exhausted, tired and had not eat anything since morning. She get worn up walking in the streets of jungle from past 4 hours and not reaching the destination. It was like she went back to the same place from where she initiated. Her eyes flickered around frantically, trying to find a way. Sooner night is about to dawn, she need to get out of this place anyhow. Her shoulder was hurting her and she let out a gasp as the muscle tightened and the pain slowly throttling down her body. The roller coaster ride had drained her completely. There is no energy left. She is damn thirsty. Gathering courage she again got up and started to walk ahead hopelessly. She almost jump in joy as she look around and found a well few distance away. She rushed downward and started to drank it with her tiny hands. It took her some time to erase her thirst to subside. But now she is feeling very weak due to hunger.

She turned to move backward but then it is already darkness all around. Her eyes started to well up in fear. Sweat bead were rolling down her face.

''Alright just calm down..calm down take a deep breathe..There is nothing to worry about!'' She convince herself as darkness engulfed everywhere. Her stomach was hurting now. She felt so helpless and her eyes welled up in tears. Creeping sound of footsteps made her to hold the breathe. She glance back and realized someone following her. She clamped her mouth shut, hiding herself behind the tree. Nervously she clutched her dress and lean against the wall. She chant Devimaiyya name, trying to shield herself from this dark night.

Oh god please help me! She went horrified hearing sound of a animal. She shrieked! It would be better if he would be by her side. No! Don't remember him. I will not take his help under any circumstances. She check around to see if any other way to ran away. Then she saw a dim light coming from behind. Without glancing back, she ran as fast as possible toward the direction of light. She was breathing hard and her hairs was scattering around her face.

''Please help me, please help me..'' She cried when she collide with a strong man. She was bewildered with terror hearing the same sound coming nearer and nearer. She was trembling and tremor was passing through her body. Today life seems to take revenge from her.

She ran toward him and hug him with full force. He was quite taken aback by this girl audacity. An evil smirked played on his lips viewing the girl in his arms.

''I told you will come right into my arms..'' A cunning voice hit her ears. She lifted her head astonished and there she got shock of her life seeing the same person right in front of her. Through her hazy vision she saw him steeping back.

''Why do I have a feeling no matter how hard you try, you are bound to come in my arms..'' She glare him in disbelief.

''What happen to your newly found courage?'' He taunted scanning her devastated state from top to bottom. She was shivering like anything.

''What you said to me few moments ago you are capable enough to save yourself then what happen now? Go and fight for your life!'' She snorted. There is a sudden change in expression on his face. There was a sudden glint on his face and she could see wicked smile on his face.

The sudden lightening in a sky made her to hug him in fear. She clenched his collar and closed her eyes tight.

''Please don't go..''

''So what you are upto now?'' He asked her in a mocking voice. Her body was shivering and she was not ready to leave his grip anytime sooner.

''Please!'' She stop him moving away. Roughly he pushed her away.

''Don't you dare come close to me!''

''But I..I..'' She barely able to whisper anything. Fear completely overpower her. She was weeping terribly. She was scared of darkness and in this lonely place any animal can eat her alive.

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