Silence before storm

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Chapter 42: Silence before storm

Inspector: Mr Arnav Singh Raizada you are under arrest.

Arnav: May I know what i have done..?

Person: ''You have dare to kidnap my sister from hospital..'' came a voice from behind and there Appear his sister, named Anjali.

Khushi: You bad bad uncle..leave my arnavji..(She flare her nose high and stride forward angrily to punch him.

Arnav: Khushi no! He grab her free hand and signal Ananya to take her away. But Khushi do not let him away from her sight for a single second. She began to cry.

He remember doctor's advice and eventually look at her getting devastated.

Arnav: I have to go, Khushi..please calm down.

Khushi: Where? I also come with you.

Arnav: No kiddo you can' are not allowed there. Promise you, you will be a good girl and won't trouble your Anu didi during my absence.

Khushi: are going to that chudail.. (Her grip tightened around him.) She is very bad..i will beat wanted to go to her. You get bore of me. His eyes narrowed. He exchanges glances with ananya whose is holding back her tears.

Arnav: I am not going to her.

Khushi: You are lying.. that chudail will snatch my arnavji.. I hate her..I hate her..she wanted to take you away from me..Arnavji is my friend..only mine. (She hugged him possessively making him hard to control the emotions overflowing with love for this selfless soul. )

At this moment, he is feeling worst. That incident wounded her so badly that she think he is going to leave her for another women. What you have done Arnav Singh Raizada. Why you had been so cruel to her.

Anjali: That man don't deserve your tears, khushi. He only deserve your rejection.

Khushi: you bad didi. dont say anything against him.. else i will broke your nose..

Arnav: khushi stop. She is elder to you. Dont talk to her like that.. its bad manners. I promise i will be back..

Somehow he remove himself after reassuring her and turn to go..

Khushi: Arnav..ji.. ( Her eyes pooled up. Her hand interwined with his)

Khushi: You again leaving me for her? Her words broke his heart into million of pieces. He has no courage to face her again. He is just standing numb fighting with his inner demon.

Anjali: Stay away from him, Khushi. Anjali walk and remove her grip from him and command inspector to take him away.

Khushi: Anju Di..where are they taking my Arnavji.

Anjali: A place where he actually belongs.

Khushi: Means?

Anjali: Stop your interrogation and come here.

She hide behind Arnav, nodding her head in no.

Anjali: This man is a bad person..from now on you will stay with me..

Khushi: I will not go anywhere leaving my Arnavji. You bad police uncle leave my Arnavji.

She bite his hand through her teeth and remove his hand from handcuffing..

Anjali: Khushi behave yourself.

She try to take out her hand from his grip but it do hurt Khushi and she started crying, putting entire house under her head.

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