Facing the bitter reality

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Chapter 36: Facing the bitter reality

My hands trembled as i saw the confession video of Kavya and Rishab shown by Di before handling all the proofs to Neev Khurana. Everything began crumbling before my eyes. Kavya had killed my father? This truth shaken my world. What i have done? I treated Khushi so badly. The thought of khushi break something inside me. How will i face her?

Every moment of my life i thought Khushi had deceive me but in reality, It was bloody me who betray her. I hissed with gritted teeth as my eyes went to that damn lady who destroy my entire world. I felt disgusted of myself to think i had ever had some feelings for this filthy lady.

Kavya: Asr...let.. Me exp..la..in...I..

Anger filled his system completely as he began walking to her.

Arnav: You killed my Father? ANSWER ME NOW!!!!!!!! She nodded scared to met his eyes that become red by now.

Arnav: And what about Khushi? Why you put all blames on her?

Kavya: Because she was coming between us..I cannot bear her proximity to you so i finish her chapter forever. Now she won't dare to love you..

Arnav: What do you mean?

Kavya: Baby you are not so innocent as you pretending! She cupped his face and smirk. Does it happen you wished something and i not fulfill it. It was your wish to make her a professional prostitute so i send her to brothel and fulfill your wis.. (Interrupted by his sudden action)

His grip tightened over her neck.


She tremble in terror and he harshly choke her. He get completely mad. This one word broke all the remaining sanity and patience. It drove him insane to know about the intensity of pain she bear. Few of Neev's officers ran to let's go of him but there is no stopping him. He look like a man who burn entire world if anyone come in between.

Kavya: Asr please leave me.. (She cries)

Arnav: HOW DARE YOU PUT YOUR EYES ON MY KHUSHI. His eyes splitting fire. The monster resurface him.

Aman: Leave her Arnav. Your killing her not going to help you. You can't amend the losses. The truth is harsh but he have to accept it. Due to your one misunderstanding, a innocent soul had paid for it. You have no idea in what condition we had seen her in brothel. (Kavya smirk to hear this. )

Anjali(Clapping her hands): What am Amazing game you played to torture her! I must say you are very committed enemy and a loyal TRAITOR! Whenever i thought my brother never went down, you prove me wrong. Fantastic. So it is you to send Khushi to Brothel..?

Arnav(With a choked voice): What are you saying Di.. this creep women has gone mad..I never imagined khushi to be there... trust me di.. i..

Anjali: Trust you? Why should i trust you? Did you trusted Khushi once? He went tongue tied.. It's true he never believe it. She try several times to rove her innocence but he never give attention to her words and unwittingly hurt her beyond repair.

After a few minutes, he raised his head and gave a cold glare to her.

Arnav: You have to pay for this..

Kavya: Maine jo bhi kiya tumhe pane ke liye kiya because i love you.. (I did it all to gain your love) She carried her hand to held him which is instantly jerk by him.

Arnav: DON'T TOUCH ME YOU BIT**..I BLOODY HATE YOU! Anger made his senses almost breaking it.

Kavya: Hate me as much as you want, still you won't get your Khushi back..Its sad Asr..she had truly and madly loved you, but unfortunately you thought she had affair with others and ruined her as per i wanted. And that Rishab, he tried to spoil my game, he dare to go against me so i killed him as well. Now go and marry a girl of your type, even then you cannot get back that pregnant lady as you had completely broken her. Poor she..She thought you will rescue her..I guess by now those customer had destroyed her unborn too.. YOU LOST HER MY DEAR. agar tum mere nahi toh kisi bhi bhi nahi..(If you are not mine, you can't be her's) She laughed maniacally telling him in what condition she caught her in Payal's house after he throw her out and then she hand over to those hungry animals. He stood still like a dead man. His heart stabbed to know about Khushi's suffering.

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