A deal

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Chapter 13: A deal

He is stunned, shocked and bewildered when she blow an atom bomb at him. He was only staring her with narrowing eyes.

''Why you're silent..I want my answer??? Where is my baby?'' She almost shouted while continue shaking his collar. His silence making her crazy.

''Why You didn't to me I was expecting? What happen to my baby? I want her..did you understand..'' He try to made her relax but she is in no term to hear any lie from his side. Her eyes turn red with anger and pain. The news of her pregnancy creates lot of question in her mind. She needed her answer at any cost.

''That rakshas told me I killed his baby..what was that? Why he said all that..If I was pregnant then why i wasn't aware about it. Why no one told me about it? where is my baby??'' Her fist and jaws clenched. She continue shooting daggers at him.

''After that incident I was in asylum..i didn't remember anything but you? You must be aware about my pregnancy. Where is my baby? Why no one told me about my pregnancy..What had happened after that? She repeatedly asking him waiting for any positive response.

''Khushi what are you saying? That's not true! You was not pregnant..Why you giving so much attention to his nonsense. He is talking bulshit. He only wanted to destroy you..''

''He already destroy me that night..'' She closed her eyes letting the tears to flow down. He walk and took her into his embrace patting her slowly. She lets go of him and stare him back.

''Its okay. Don't think about that night. You are not at fault..''

''I should not trust Anjali that night..she was solely responsible for everything happened to me..It always made me feel i'm not liable for you anymore..''

''Don't say like that..i love you the way you're..There is no fault of yours. Khushi..'' She held his hand hopefully.

''Is there something that I didn't know about my past..I mean the way Arnav was reacting I..'' She touch her flat stomach. She needed one small ray of hope to reach the gravity of truth.

''He is lying khushi. How this possible. He only wanted to give you pain. Think logically if you were pregnant then you might be aware of that, doesn't you?''

She stare at him for a moment then sat down defeated holding her head.

''You're a fighter, Khushi and you fight in problem. Isn't it so..''

''I am tired of all this..'' Khushi replied as she stared back at the specific point on the floor.

''You need a break. We would shift to another city after our marriage..'' She didn't respond him as his word

From the time arnav accused her calling her killer of her own baby, she felt like a big part of her life is missing.

You are a bloody murderer..you killed my daughter.

His words were still echoing her. She closed her ears trying to block those images. Rishab's voice brought jerk her back into reality..

''You need rest..your wounds need some recovery..go and change..'' She gave a weak node and went to the washroom.

As soon as she disappear from his sight, he punch a number on his mobile and narrate everything to the person on the other end who got up from the seat hearing that.

We need to do something very quickly..Khushi ko yeh raaz kabhi pata nahi chalana chahiye hamne uske bachhe ke saath kya kiya varna you know well what could be the consequence..'' The mysterious man wickedly gave a nod.

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