Facing the truth

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Chapter 18: Facing the truth

Khushi rooted in the spot to numb to react. Her body went paralyzed on scanning to the entire room. Walls were decorated with baby pictures and toys were laying everywhere making sound. There is a small crib in the middle. Slowly and steadily she walk further. A sharp pain arising her chest that is ready to come out anytime. Suddenly her legs been pressed with something. She get startled as the soft tickling sound grabbed her attention. She look down only to make her to step back instantly. There a toy been crushed under her feet.

Her eyes welled up without her comprehension. She gain strength and reached her trembled hand to touch softly. As she placed the softness near her chest, something strong passed through it. It is too hard to vanish.

Blur images of a mask man flashed in her brain. Instantly she open her eyes and fell backward due to reflex action.

What is going on..Why I'm feeling so uneasy! This is just a toy? Why I'm feeling so connected to it..

Suddenly she began to sweat. Her hand involuntarily reached to touch her flat belly. To her surprise she doesn't felt any pain. Even now she was trying to understand what was that. She was feeling really strange on getting blur images of a man hitting her abdomen. Who was that person? He firstly inject her something and then hit her.

Why she is getting those haunted dreams. Most importantly why is she seeing a crying baby every-time. Lot of questions restlessly floating in her mind. She grabbed her head trying to remember.

She needed answer unless she get mad. Then she rose to her feet and glance at the crib. It is decorated with white and red flower. Why Arnav never permit anyone to come at this room, What so special in that?

On top of that what's this crib doing here? A person who never give damn to anyone's emotions kept all these things like it is very precious to him.

How many dark secrets he had! God knows.. She prepare to leave when her gaze fell on the file. She got it and saw the property papers.

Interesting! She read the content in which it is written his entire property go under the name of his heir.

So Arnav Singh Raizada have illegitimate child too..that means he is having a child? She is not surprise though. He is having long list of affairs. There is a possibility he is having a kid and it is hiding from entire world for the sake of his reputation. Arnav Singh Raizada can do anything. He can use any girl for his lust and throw her out like he does to her.

What the hell you doing here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She jumped out of skin when dash inside. File fell from her hand. With greeted teeth, he storm toward her. He turned her and grabbed her forearm angrily.

Arnav: Who permit you in my room..!!!!!!!!!

Khushi: Sweetheart..Chill (Seductively she snaked her arm around her neck and come close to him) Shouting is very injurious for health specially for diabetes patients..

Arnav(Pushing her body off him): Stop your drama and get the hell out of here..

Khushi: Waise you didn't told me you are having illegitimate child.

Arnav: Just shut up!!!!!!! She literally shifted back due to his sudden rage.

Dare to take my baby name from your filthy mouth..You never understand the pain of loosing your own child.. (His voice pain. He can't forgot that night when he saw her kissing another man before pushing him from cliff)

Khushi: Ohh that sad to hear you lost your child..Pity for you.. jiska baap aisa ho uska bacha jeeke bhi kya karega..(Whose father is like you, who want to live) His fist clenched in a tight punch.

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