Haunted soul

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Chapter 33-B: Haunted soul

Payal get emotional while talking to her brother after ages. Her happiness no boundary to get acceptance and forgiveness from him. Credit goes to Khushi di. If she didn't come back to her life, her Rishab bhaiya never realize his mistake, neither he get transformed into a better human being. She really owe her for the rest of her life for changing him.

She close her eyes and pray to DM to erase all the sorrow and pain and bring someone who will love her and shower all the happiness she really deserve. With a bright twinkle on her face, she reached to her room to break this news to Khushi di.

To her shock, the room is empty.. On the exact moment Rishab arrived her house to meet her. He entered in her room only to get shock to see disheveled condition of room.

Rishab: Where is Khushi, payal? You told me she is at your house?

Payal: wo..hh..I don't know..I.. She checked her in every corner of the house but cannot find her. Angrily, he pounced at her.

Rishab: Where she gone if she was here? She was your responsibility..wait a second, did you lie to me?

Payal: No bhai..Believe me..Di were staying with me since months.. If you want i can give you doctor's number who was treating her..i don't know where she was Just few moment ago i talk with her.

Rishab: Have you gone mad..I told you in phone to be with her until i arrive here..How can you left her alone in such state..don't you know how much she is precious to me..Her life is in danger, you stupid girl.. '' She went speechless by the information she been filled by him..

He raked his hands as the numerous unwanted thoughts crossing his mind. He is getting extremely worried and paced left and right not knowing what else to do. Then it hit him. He recall Kaira words to made her life living hell by sending her to brothel. His hand began shivering thinking about her intentions. Hurridely he rang Aman and informed him before walking off from there.

Aman don't want to delay for a moment. He just grab his keys and directly step toward the main entrance. But Anjali bang the door on his face leaving him in startled.

Aman: ''What are you doing, Anju? Leave my way..'' She glare with a dangerous kind of rage and put her hand on the door.

''What's wrong with you..are you alright..? He can sense something is not right.

She keep blasting at him for all the lies he and her mother blunted. When he deny to accept it, She showed the headlines in the newspaper. For a moment he don't know to do and how to handle her anger. She went completely out of control and shot them with numerous question. Currently he have not time to answer her. A second delay can risk Khushi. His silence enraged her to the another level. She can't take this anymore. The news literally worsen her. How can her brother marry another girl and broke her promise. Furiously, she crumble the newspaper and crushed into million pieces..

Anjali: You said they are happily married and went for honeymoon then what the hell he is doing in Delhi? Who is that bloody girl doing with him..'' He took her into his embrace in order to make her cool. With reflex action, she pushed him harshly and gave a hard slap on his face.

''You played with me?''

Aman: What?

Anjali: ''What a fool i am to get trapped by your lovely dovely words..You dislike Khushi since the start. Taking advantage of my death, you started to poison my chotte against khushi so that he hate her and you plan will be sucessful and now lying me to get my chotte's property..doesn't you?

Gayatri: No beta..You are misunderstand the whole matter..he..--

Anjali: Stop it ma..You will not say a word..Why you're defending this cheater..His true identity is exposed..for a moment i thought he truly love me but again he proved me right. My perception about men was right at first place...all men are same.. There is no difference between him and those monsters who treat and used women like dirt..Thanks for breaking my dilusion and showing me the reality..'' She accused him. He stay numb and keep looking at her with unspoken pain.

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