A fresh start

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Chapter 41: A fresh start

Nani open her arms for Anjali but she inch backward. She stood at the entrance silently staring her with invisible tears. After ages, The old lady meet her grand daughter. Everytime she just pray for her and Chotte happiness from DM. Seeing her indifference, it do hurt her but somewhere she had guess the reason. Whenever these siblings had a tiff, both separately come to her complaining about each other.

Nani: So you again fight with chotte? You and chotte never change..still fight like kids. (She brought her in and made her seat beside her.

Where is Damadji? What is this Anjali? For the first time you came after marriage and did not bring your husband? Anjali look away. Why you are quiet? Although she avoid meeting her eyes, Nani can clearly read her eyes. It bewilderered her to sense the intensity of anger filled inside her.

Anjali: I hate him, Nani. I hate him. He spoil everything..

Nani: Galti insaan se hi hoti hain.. (Human do make mistake..)

Anjali: Mistake? He had committed a sin and there is no forgiveness for that.

Nani: And what about you? When you know his temper, why you did not come out in open all these years and tell him what is right or wrong. You are equally responsible.

Anjali: I admit I make mistake? But he..Why the hell he did not trust his own love?


Nani: Enough Anjali. He is your brother. You have forgotten but i still remember the promise you have given to your mother that you will always take care of chotte and now when he need you the most, you leaving him?

Anjali: Great. So it's his terrific plan to again brainwash me using you as a pawn. Amazing, isn't it? But sadly, Your lovely dovely talks not going to melt me, Nani. I have taken my decision. (She get up and walk few steps away) I will send him to jail and don't you dare try to defend him, he is a bloody criminal..your emotional drama not going to affect me.

Nani: What's wrong with you. You become so bitter.

Anjali: (She let out a sarcastic laugh) Your chotte changed me. He make me realize not to trust anyone so blindly to let the person used your love as a weapon.

Nani: You know Anjali life is very short and we must always cherish it wholeheartedly. We don't know what is our fate. So instead of holding grudges, live with fully forgetting the bitter memories of past. Forgive him.

Anjali: Forgive him? Really-[she shot a glare] Do you even know what he has done? She get up and turn to other side pushing back her tears roughly. A hand came and made her to look back at her.

I had enough of it. Due to your plead I agree to meet you thinking you might understand me. But i guess i made mistake coming here. Being a women, i thought you understand how i'm feeling. I never let any injustice to happen with an innocent who don't even know she is carrying his sins in her womb. He again trying to play with her feelings and emotions. Go and make your not so innocent grandson understand to leave Khushi and hand over her to me otherwise..

Nani: What are you saying?

Anjali: Oh so your chotte keep you in dark. What can I except from a cheater.

Nani: I don't know anything nor i wanted to know. All i know is that the anjali I admire, for her chotte meant world and she cannot live without him. When you knew you cannot survive without your chotte..why punishing yourself and him like this. I never saw him so much broken, not that fateful night when he saw the dead body of his father. But that night, for the first time, he pour out his pain in front of me.

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