Important note..check it out

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Guys this is my kind request please don't use abusing language to me. If u dont like my works don't read it. I m writing since many years but none of my reader or non reader in indiaforum use such bad word.

If in future same kind of treatment happen i will delete all my stories from here and remove my account.

Right now i m feeling so bad i dont know if i should give any update or not. This story is at rank 1 in mystery and thriller that's what i write in one of my update why you giving abuses to me saying first learn how to write and that..go and check this page u can see at which rank it is.. i feel so dishearten today cant express in word. Never i heard such bad word in my life.

i know i do many grammatical mistakes in some updates but that give you no right to put finger on my upbringings. This is ridiculous.

I wanted to ask to my reader last time do you want me to delete my stories. If a single person want me to delete my stories i will do the honor but i cant handle such abuses. I write stories because it is my passion not to hear your gaalis.

Thank you:)

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